1. Feng

    A culmination of Week 4 daily creates

    Week 4 Photography Here is my week worth of photo, although I can’t say they were the best, but I am proud to say that I have learned much from tutorials, Photoshop, and people’s comments which all constituted to my understanding of photogr...
  2. Leslie Truesdale

    Album Cover- 2 Stars

    For this assignment, I followed the instructions to creating an album cover using random pages from wikipedia and quotations page on a random image from flickr. My band name is Drive, the album title is “and i think that’s really important,” the image taken is of a New Zealand sunset.     I doctored this ...
  3. Annie Truslow

    TDC035: Tattoos

    Assignment: Take a photo of your’s or someone else’s cool tattoo. I have two tattoos, but I want about 125 more. Rather than photographing the two that I already have, I decided to use a photo I previously took of myself as a platform to co...
  4. Tyler Crump

    Daily create 2/6-12

    Daily create 2/6-12, a set on Flickr. My daily create photographs for the week of February 6th-12th. 1. Make a photo of something upside down that is never seen that way- I wanted to be creative with this one wanted to find something people truly don’t see upside down often, so I thought Spider Man ...
  5. Daniel Zimmerman

    Groom Art at it’s…finest?!?

    This was… painfully fun. Please, if you have a weak heart, avert your eyes. Since I am a complete photoshop noob, this is a very low quality gif. I hope to clean it up soon, but for now this will have to provoke a few chuckles. EDIT: So since I h...
  6. Feng

    Averaging Concepts Using Flickr — 3 star!

    For this 3 star assignment, I shall be attempting Tim Owen’s incredible visual assignment. Synopsis: Take a concept, one word, and plug it into Flickr and take the first 50 images and average them using Photoshop or similar program. Step by step...
  7. James Cruz

    Dream Assignment

    Two Star Assignment Inspiration I made this picture in order to complete the Dream Visualization assignment. (Awesome idea btw!) Recently I had a dream where I was married to someone. Just being married is not necessarily a nightmare in itself. In this dream scenario I was married to a wife … Continue reading
  8. Gray Kemmey

    Demotivate Yourself

    So if you’re like me you never hesitate kill a spider when you see one, and I have feeling Peter Parker was probably the same way. He was just really [..]
  9. Gray Kemmey

    Image With a Message

    And I didn’t have to Google anything! This one was much simpler. GIMP has an obvious tool for creating a text layer on top of an image. Anyways, [..]
  10. Gray Kemmey

    Splash the Color

    OK, I have always thought these kinds of pictures looked really really cool, but I never new how to do it. Not anymore! Again I googled for how [..]
  11. Emily DelRoss

    Last One. I Promise.

    I’ve met my visual assignment star quota and I’m cutting myself off! Done! I keep trying to do other things (such as have a social life or do work for other subjects), and then all of a sudden I realize that I’m back on my computer cropping and whatnot. Thanks DS106!! This time I did ...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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