1. jbelodeau

    Final Portfolio

    For my final portfolio I decided to work with my favorite assignments this semester, I chose to update my Twitter bot, my remix project, my glitch art and my screensaver. I wanted to work on these projects because I felt that I could really get creative with each of these assignments. I decided to work … Continue reading "Final Portfolio"
  2. jbelodeau


    For this project our class was tasked to create our own Twitter bot that is able to post at least once a day, as well as produce 100,000 different tweets. I decided that I would create a Twitter account that would tweet out things that Squidward hates. My original tweet was Squidward hates #apples. Squidward … Continue reading "Project:Bot"
  3. jbelodeau


    For this project our class was tasked to create a code that would write 50,000 words. I recently watched the film The Shining and I drew inspiration for my project from one of the scenes. During the film Jack Nicholson is working on a novel while he is living in a remote empty hotel with his … Continue reading "NaNoGenMo"
  4. @viletroop_ds106

    Weekly Summary (Week 5)

    This is the final week of DS106, and for my final project, I told the story of Nestor Makhno, or more precisely, if he had won during the Russian Civil War. I used 3 different types of media to tell the story, being two types of visual, one type of visual/design, and one video project, […]
  5. @viletroop_ds106

    Nestor Makhno

    Nestor Makhno was born a Ukrainian Peasant in 1888 in the Russian Empire. Through his life he held a series of menial jobs, primarily as a farmhand, that was, until the Russian Civil War erupted. He began organizing an army of peasants and workers and combated the Red Army of the Soviet Union, the White […]
  6. @viletroop_ds106

    Union of Free Soviets

    As Makhno’s forces began to spread across Europe, regions with strong socialist influences began to join with the Free Soviets. This map demonstrates the regions under UFS control by the mid-1930s. After downloading the original map and loading it into GIMP, I took the Fuzzy select took and selected all areas that were originally part […]
  7. @viletroop_ds106

    Mother Anarchy

      After finding the clips, pictures, and music, I loaded them all into the kedenlive video editor. I began work on cutting the video to find various clips to use. I then added a few ‘title screens’ in between the various clips and images to narrate what was happening. As a 2 minuite video on […]
  8. @viletroop_ds106

    One Small Step

      There’s a meme floating around leftist circles, “Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism”, that is imposed onto any image dealing with space. A simple google search will reveal numerous images with this text, but those on the Anarchist wing of leftist politics, and other leftists who don’t necessarily embrace the authoritarian nature of mainstream […]
  9. @JakeWaterma

    My Story – Captain America and Last Weekly Summary

    I am creating a fictional story for Captain America, my favorite super hero. In the story, the Captain America Civil War has just happened and Captain America is alone. He’s riding his motorcycle down a country road: https://soundcloud.com/user-730363345/captain-america-crashes   When suddenly he crashes into a truck thrown at him and …
  10. @KwameCovino

    Kyrie Kyrie Kyrie

    Kyrie Irving is a great player. There’s no denying that. I think the situation he has gone through with LeBron is a little TMZesque. It’s unfortunate that two great players can’t get through tough times like these. I really respected these two because they stayed in the Eastern Conference, at a time when every great …

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UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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