1. kchase27

    Who is the REAL Alien??

    Cartoon the Head! Take any person, thing, or animal and apply a cartoon character head to it. Be creative! I decided to dedicate this Design assignment to the Twilight Zone episode that we watched, “The Invaders”. I used Agnes Moorehead as my inspiration…. This is a fairly easy project to do if you use GIMP. ...
  2. Jessica Ledford

    Poof Complete!

    I officially finished my 20 star assignment! I finished with a total of 22 sparkling stars! I had tons of fun!! These really where a ton of of fun to complete! What a great set of challenges for my first week as a ds106er! I really hope you try out these challenges or even the ...
  3. Alopex

    Stepping Stone Mood Swing

      They are all just so moody!  Now before you judge, the bottom left is to original. I felt it need to be included. I’m not telling my secrets on how I did what. I’m sure you can guess.*cough* Corel *cough* I’m partial to the one on the bottom right. I really like how it brings out the
  4. Jessica Ledford

    i spy with my brown eyes

    EXTRA EXTRA Find all about it!!! Take on a challenge! This challenge takes you to explore into a newspaper and really be creative and have fun! Grab a Sharpie, a black sharpie would work perfectly. Look through the newspaper and create a story! Black out sections on an article. Make a poem, a picture, or ...
  5. Alopex

    Classic Guitar

      Here’s one of my favorite pictures of mine. I had to fiddle with it a bit but I got it to where I like it. I have the black and white original. It’s such a simple subject, but in my opinion that what makes it such a good shot. Ok fine the angle helps alot
  6. Alopex

    Damn Keysā€¦.

        See I knew there was a reason I keep losing them! Ever had one of those days where that what it feels like? Imagine that, just every time I set down my keys…or phone. Yet I seem to have made it this far in life. Exactly how, I have no idea.   This
  7. Alopex

    Tower of light in darkness

      The fan that will blow you away! The best part about this image is I wasn’t going to use it. It didn’t look as impressive on the camera preview. I put it though Corel, my photo editing program, and it looked perfect. Forget it’s a fan for a second and imagine it rotating ever so slowly. Cool
  8. Alopex

    The Concerned Post It

        The reasoning behind this one is that genuine concern is one of the least practiced things by the average person. No one seems to be genuinely concerned for one another anymore. We can interact via the internet and hide behind avatars and text. We are more connected via data, media, and the internet
  9. Jessica Ledford

    Pucker UP ButtercUP

    AWWW I know aren’t we so cute?! I know you are totally thinking it J ! This pic is so presh! I could not resist! This was taken last year (2012) for my senior prom! I will never ever forget that day! This was so much fun and we took so many pictures I just ...
  10. Jessica Ledford

    Playing Possum

    What you gotta do This is a great idea to get out and explore your area! Yes! Get off your butt and take an adventure! This assignment is designed for you to take an adventure. Life is about exploring the unknown so do it! Here is your chance and take it. Have some fun will ...
  11. andrewthomas

    Help find this man

    MISSING PLEASE SEE POSTER FOR MORE DETAILS Can you help us? We need more people looking. Even more info can be found here. There is little time left. Please hurry See here for more details http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/missing-persons-poster-for-dr-oblivion/
  12. Jessica Ledford

    LoDown + Parking + Beach = FUN

    Lets go to the Beach!! Episode #004 And we are jamming on the highway! Today’s episode is  on the road!! Vroom Vroom! Yes!! He is using soundcloud for tonight’s episode. Soundcloud has up to 30 minutes of recording time, which is great! We get to listen to your beautiful voice Scott! LOL to Scott trying ...
  13. Jessica Ledford

    I lived, I laughed, and I l

    Todays TDC: #tdc501: Live, laugh, and love… take a picture that expresses good times. This really captures what I loved and loved to do! I will always treasure what I did. I became alive. Tsunami forever, tsunami for life Every picture has a story… Here is mine! I physically lived for competitive cheerleading. I’m seriously ...
  14. kshavala

    Whats UP? Invaders GIF

    My favorite part of the Invaders episode was definitely watching Agnes Moorhead chew on the chip, or whatever it was, in the beginning.  This clip captures the eerie mood as she stirs her smoky cauldron and begins to hear strange noises. I built this gif in GIMP using the tutorial.  I found these directions tremendously helpful ...read more
  15. Turn 2

    Benny ā€œThe Jetā€ Rodriguez

      Movie Trading Cards Design Assignment Difficutly= 4 Stars Design trading cards for your favorite movie. Grab a screenshot from a film of your choice to create a trading card in the spirit of the classicStar Wars movie trading cards. Also see the imagined trading card forThe Shining here for some inspiration. This assignment was inspired by ...
  16. Turn 2


      Computer Books For Kids Design Assignment Difficulty= 3 stars Take a well-known kids book and recast it as a computer book. Look for inspiration here: http://www.somethingawful.com/d/photoshop-phriday/childfriendly-computer-books.php For this assignment I thought lets go with a classic and bring it back to the future with a 21st century twist.  I took Dr. Seuss’ book the Cat ...
  17. Turn 2


      The Ultimate Merger Design Assignment Difficulty= 3.5 Stars Businesses merger together all the time (at least that’s what Mad Men has taught me). For this assignment create a logo in which you combine to famous logos. Humor is encouraged. What better two companies to merge together than the two top dogs, Under Armour and ...
  18. kriscorpus

    Follow orā€¦

    get your skull smashed by Miguel. twitter: @bowtiesandskulls I’m not foreal but I had to find an excuse to post this hilarious gif, and which is apparently pronounced jif…
  19. kshavala

    More fun than a marshmallow gun?

    My little cousin ran around the house like a maniac shooting this thing.  I found marshmallows for days, but I didn’t mind. Edited this photo a bit with an app called Picfx.  Very simple app for layering your photos with different backgrounds.
  20. kchase27

    The Hungriest Gif

    From the Twilight Zone, and Beyond … Hello. I am Talky Tina. When I was young, in the early years of television, a lot of my friends worked in televions programs that pushed the boundaries of imagination, sight, sound, perception, identity, belonging. The time was fueled by the paranoias and fears of the fifties, sixties, ...
  21. kchase27

    Hey! Wanna know a secret?!

    Post”Secret” Write on a “post-it” (haha, get it. “Post” secret.) your biggest dream in life. What are you going to school to accomplish? Who would you like to meet? What is your dream job? Whatever it is, it shouldn’t be a “secret”! Tell the whole internet world! After you take the picture, upload it to ...
  22. kshavala

    Gardner Campbell: Personal CyberInfrastructure Review

    I strongly agree with the necessity to modify and improve our educational system to nurture differences in students learning techniques and abilities.  Giving students the freedom to “decorate their own locker” as Gardner Campbell stated in Gardner Cambell’s A Personal Cyberinfrastructure, or build and design their own entity on the web has limitless possibilities.  It ...read more

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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