1. fhowell

    Safer Streets

    The new law I would create would have every new license issued to a person under the age 21 requirements change. There would be new prerequisites to obtaining a license, and this will be a three part addition to regular driving school, written test, and over the road test. They would be as follow: Every […]
  2. jcook5

    New Law Addition


    If I had to create a new law, in a PERFECT world, I would get rid of money.   Society bases so many things on economical status and how many things you have. If we got back down to basics and traded for things, maybe this world would not be so difficult. For example, I am graduating soon, but I… Read more →

  3. yharvey2013

    My Reflection & Vision – TEDxPhoenix Talk

    It is so amazing how talented Kelli Anderson is and what an imagination she has to come up with so many great ideas. Kelli Anderson also has a great sense of humor and that made her small presentation even more interesting. Her creation of the cards looked so simple on the outside, but once the […]
  4. yharvey2013

    I Almost Had A Daily Create For Today

    One of my coworkers emailed me asking me how was my 3-day weekend, since I took off this past Friday. I sent her an email explaining how I was stressed out about this class and sent her the picture of my visual assignment with the woman holding her head. She called me on the phone […]
  5. anya

    On a Deserted Island with my Love

    Design Assignment 2 When I though about the things I would take with me on a deserted island my husband was the first thing (person) I thought about I don’t think I can survive without him! The next thing I would take would be a bonfire pot. When we’ll catch some animal for food we’ll […]
  6. skasner

    TEDxPhoenix Talk Response

    Well, that was certainly one intimidating video! Now not only do we have to learn about digital storytelling, but we have to create new means of thinking about it?! After thinking about this daunting prospect, I realized that we may be the best candidates to do just that. Do I know about visual and audio […]
  7. anya

    Pause 4 a Moment and Remember that Amazing Day!

    Design Assignment 1What an amazing day it was when we got engaged! =D It wasn’t that long ago when I was asked to become a wife of this fine man you see on the picture next to me. It was a nice, not-too-hot summer day – August 10, 2013 when Andrei took me on a road […]
  8. kriezl

    the awesomeness.


    ds106 is amazing. i am truly enjoying it despite of all the work required to be completed. at first, it took me hours to figure out how to create my domain and blog. i didn’t know what a domain was? (i am a business student, bare with me…) i don’t enjoy flickr too much so i’m not very fond of…

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  9. klittle

    DS106 1st Week Hell

    So everything that could go wrong when you take an online class went wrong for me, which is why I am posting this so late. I recently moved into a new apartment and got a new internet provider. My internet has been going in and out ever since I moved in, and then has gone […]
  10. kriezl

    because i’m happy.


    i love this picture of me. it truly shows the happiness i was feeling. it captured my happy-go-lucky personality that i don’t normally show in a picture. this particular day was eventful. i was on my way to the Bacon Festival. although bacon excites me, that wasn’t the reason for my happiness. the days prior to this picture had been such…

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  11. kriezl

    burn all the chalkboards!


    i truly enjoyed the talk about social media by Michael Wesch. i related to all of his points. the ones that stood out to me the most were; -i like learning but hate school. -students will rebel and resist. -media has redefined relationships. school does not meet our needs. i say our because i am a part of this generation. school has…

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  12. fhowell

    Post Secret

    This is truly a secret I have kept until recently, about flying my own private plane.  Now before I go on my post it note was created through paint brush. I downloaded a blank Post it and added text and the picture of a plane. Flying appears to me the sort of freedom motorcycles have given me.  The […]
  13. klittle

    Scotty in Tokyo

    I actually really liked this podcast. I had never really heard to before so I didn’t have any expectations but I still think this was pretty good. Scott Lockman was very talkative but imformative. I thought it was nice to hear a little bit about him, that way we weren’t just listening to some strange […]
  14. klittle

    To Make or Not to Make that Difference

    Gardner Campell’s article and speech about the need to further education as well as further the use of the advancements created by the internet, really moved me. Some of his speech and article I didn’t understand but his speech was much better than the article. He was very personal and easier to understand. I love […]
  15. klittle

    More to Smart than We Thought….

    I really enjoyed this video. I think Michael Wesch brings up some very good points, all of which are true. I would love to meet him and discuss it further. What he is saying is that in today’s society and world, just being book smart or just street smart, isn’t enough. People today need a combination […]
  16. kriezl

    the fourth quarter.


    i did not know i had to upload all of the daily creates via twitter, flickr, CANVAS, and blog with appropriate tagging. i was aware of the social networks and CANVAS. this so much to post on my blog in one day. bare with me as i panic.

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  17. fhowell

    First Week Was My First Step

    Week one assignment summary I will have to admit was an uphill challenge for myself. I do feel like I accomplished a lot in a week with getting a domain name, getting a blog site, and having them the blog site to work. It was a challenge because first I haven’t many experiences with an […]
  18. kriezl

    unlikely co-authors


    if Napoleon Hill and Steve Harvey collaborated on a book together, they would create something similar to Freakonomics. (haha, welcome to my brain and the books i have in my library.) (yes, i have read all of these books 0.o )

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  19. klittle

    Hip Hip Hooray!….NOT

    Okay so I had a VERY HARD TIME with this daily create. It seemed simple but after taking the picture it was anything but! If anyone else had an easier time with it let me know! So what I did was a took a picture: This is me with my best sort of stoner/hippie face. Haha […]
  20. sfrench2

    Week 1 Summary

    Visual Assignment – Color Splash Visual Assignment – Google AutoComplete Lodown 001 Response Gardner Campbell Response Michael Wesch Response Daily Creates: 1 2 3 4 Well, this week was very challenging for me! It was hard to get used to how things work and I was very confused most of the time, but I think […]
  21. anya

    Feedback on Michael Wesch: Knowledgeable to Knowledge-able.

    We live in a very fast digital society where we have less and less face-to-face communication and interaction. In my opinion this gives us great opportunities to explore and learn new things but it is harmful to developing real relationships between people. However I will focus on the positive things for this feedback. Technology has affected […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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