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  1. @grace_long88

    Week Six Summary

    This week we focused on graphic design. We learned about the different principles that go into how to make an engaging and informative design. I had a slight theme of coffee this week starting with an event poster I created. For all of my designs this week I used Canva,
  2. @grace_long88

    Design Blitz

    For my design blitz, I tried to focus one items or designs that are in my everyday life. I thought it would be fun to look for the design elements in things I see daily. The first photo is the tv poster for the show Gilmore Girls. This show is
  3. @grace_long88

    Week Five Summary

    This week we focused on story telling through audio. I started the week listening to a story about the Moon Landing. This story was told remarkable well ā€“ so well I almost forgot it was just a story. Their use of sound effect and how they edited the audio made
  4. @grace_long88

    My Radio Show

    If I have the right co-host I can honestly talk about anything for hours. But I have been thinking about what I would want to talk about on my radio show and I came up with a few ideas. Conspiracy Theories: I love talking about conspiracy theories with my friends.
  5. @grace_long88

    ESC Radio

    Listening to the radio show tonight was very interesting and enlightening. The way to producers used layered sounds and their voice to entertain the audience was amazing. I thought the use of music added a great eerie or suspenseful aspect to the story. And the movement of the sounds out
  6. @grace_long88

    Moon Landing

    I am a little embarrassed to admit I had to look up the July 20, 1969 moon landing to convince myself that Moon Graffiti was just a story. Matt Evans and Ed Herbstman used different aspects of sound to create a very realistic dialect between Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin
  7. @grace_long88

    Week Four Summary

    This week was very fun. I enjoy taking pictures and see other peopleā€™s pictures. I can spend hours on Pinterest or VSCO just looking at different photos for inspiration. I started the week with my photo blitz. I thought this was a very fun assignment because it got me moving
  8. @grace_long88


    Fabric: we wear it, sleep on it, decorate with it. An interesting cloth design or texture. 2. Take a picture of fire or something that represents fire. 3. Make an abstract or literal photo that expresses how you feel. 4. Take a photo that includes a manufactured product and at
  9. @grace_long88

    Story Time

    I do not have a lot of time during the school year to read for fun but during the summer I try to read at least one novel. This past summer I read Such a Fun Age. This story centered around a young black babysitter, Emira Tucker. It talks about
  10. @grace_long88

    Day in the Life of a Bunny

    Hi, Iā€™m Becca the Bunny. I live on Mary Washington campus on Ball Circle. Every morning I like to wake up bright and early while the campus is still calm and quiet. I run around and walk up my other bunny friends too. We all talk about the crazy things

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