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  1. @wade_764

    If at first you don’t succeed

    The assignment I am talking about is this one! I noticed that some people said they could not see my tags on my blog posts, and after some time, I could not resolve this issue, so this is how I will let you all know what assignments I have completed. One of the aspects of programming that I find enjoyable is all the different color combinations that terminal profiles have. I know to most people reading this, you will be like, “what is he talking about?” Hear me out tho; I see some people program on black and white screens…
  2. @CeliaSdigitally

    Motivational Words From Bob Ross…

    Bob Ross is not only a painter but a type of motivational speaker and inspiration. Throughout his videos, his demeanor and the words he says go much deeper than just the painting. The whole vibe that he has with his videos creates an opportunity to learn some words of wisdom. For this assignment, I used … Continue reading Motivational Words From Bob Ross…
  3. @KHavertDs106

    Xena’s Second Chance

    This week we were given the change to revamp and redo some assignments that we crated in the past. I decided to redo my motivational poster design assignment. This choice was not because my Fluffer post was not good. The reason is due to something amazing that happened in our community recently. For some time … Read more "Xena’s Second Chance"
  4. @Luna Mare, The storyteller

    All 5 Design Assignments

    When creating this assignment I knew I wanted to merge two sandwich places together. I ended up choosing Subway and Burger king. I took upon myself to do my own variation of it. I took the burger king’s colors and inserted into the subway logo in a way that was similar to the burger king’s […]
  5. @hrashhDS106

    WEEK SIX Assignment Bank: The Power Of My Editing Preserved In Digital Format.

    This week one of the assignments we were given was to choose 4-5 assignments from the Design Category in the assignment bank. The assignments I chose were Design The Cover Of Your Autobiography (2 stars), Motivational Poster (3 stars), Advertisement Using A Cartoon Character (3 1/2 stars), and Storytelling Through Pictures (3 1/2 stars). Design The Cover Of Your Autobiography For […]
  6. @yarasaleh68

    Need motivation?

    I originally saw this assignment about making a motivational poster and instantly thought of the “demotivational posters” I grew up with. That was my inspiration for the most part, but obviously I wanted to make it motivational, not the other way around. Then, a brilliant idea nailed it’s way into my head. (Get it- just …

    Continue reading "Need motivation?"

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