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  1. @thisist00hard

    Assignment Bank

    This week, we were assigned to pick 3 projects from the DS106 assignment bank. I chose to do a video assignment, gif assignment, and a design assignment. At first I was overwhelmed with all of the choices. It was difficult to decide what I wanted to do based on its difficulty and how much time […]
  2. @HumIsDum

    A Blocky Cabin by the Virtual Sea: Back to Basics!

    by Thomas Pulsifer The number of assignments to choose from in the Assignment Bank is pretty overwhelming, but when I saw Jonah Helbling’s assignment to build a house in Minecraft, I couldn’t resist. Minecraft is easily my favorite game, and my favorite part of Minecraft is building. So, after spending some quality time in SurvivalContinue reading "A Blocky Cabin by the Virtual Sea: Back to Basics!"
  3. @Luna Mare, The storyteller

    All 5 Design Assignments

    When creating this assignment I knew I wanted to merge two sandwich places together. I ended up choosing Subway and Burger king. I took upon myself to do my own variation of it. I took the burger king’s colors and inserted into the subway logo in a way that was similar to the burger king’s […]

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