Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @hrashhDS106

    Weekly Summary: WEEK EIGHT: Pandemic Podcast!

    This week also went very well just like the previous week; however, there were some issues that popped up. Unfortunately, we were unable to record at the vocal booth in the Multimedia Editing Lab because of reservation problems. Apparently, students who are only taking specific “music” classes are allowed access to that room. This was very annoying because we planned […]
  2. @hrashhDS106

    Weekly Summary: WEEK SEVEN: Radio Show Progress

    This week has been great because it didn’t feel as overwhelming. The planning of the radio show has been going pretty smoothly! My team members are Marche Drummond, Matthew Kanter, and Kenneth Hargrove. W are group two and our topic is Story of the Day: Life During The Pandemic. We are planning to record the podcast on Saturday March 13, […]
  3. @hrashhDS106

    Weekly Summary: WEEK SIX

    Week six is probably my favorite week. This week was the most challenging, but I also had a lot of fun at the same time. The program I used for this week was GIMP. GIMP is an alternative to Photoshop. Since I cancelled the Adobe membership a few years ago, and it’s just too expensive I decided to download the […]
  4. @hrashhDS106

    DesignBlitz: Understanding Design Principles

    First Challenge 1. Color: This photo represents the warm color scheme (red, orange, and yellow). Second Challenge 2. Minimalism: This photo represents minimalism because the photo focuses on negative space. Third Challenge 3. Dominance: This photo represents dominance because the acorn is the most influential element. Fourth Challenge 4. Unity: This photo represents unity because the web converges into a […]
  5. @hrashhDS106

    Chip Kidd & James Verdesoto: Whatever You Do DON’T STOP!

    Design is one of the most crucial factors in attracting the audience and setting you apart from your competitors. I enjoy designing various things all the time! I took art class throughout high school, photojournalism, and graphic design for two years. When I was younger I used to love designing and creating jewelry and scrapbooking! I really enjoyed watching Kidd’s […]
  6. @hrashhDS106

    WEEK SIX Assignment Bank: The Power Of My Editing Preserved In Digital Format.

    This week one of the assignments we were given was to choose 4-5 assignments from the Design Category in the assignment bank. The assignments I chose were Design The Cover Of Your Autobiography (2 stars), Motivational Poster (3 stars), Advertisement Using A Cartoon Character (3 1/2 stars), and Storytelling Through Pictures (3 1/2 stars). Design The Cover Of Your Autobiography For […]
  7. @hrashhDS106

    Weekly Summary: WEEK FIVE

    Week five was a lot of fun. I thought it would be super challenging because I do not have experience with audio editing. Initially, I had a little trouble downloading the FFmpeg. I kept checking the diagnostics and it kept displaying the message “Error: Failed to load shared library.” After a few tries I was finally able to have the […]
  8. @hrashhDS106

    WEEK FIVE Assignment Bank: Tune Into Hena’s Mashups!

    This week one of the assignments we were given was to choose 3-4 assignments from the “Audio Assignments” section in the assignment bank. The assignments I chose were Mixing Soundtracks (2 stars), Instrumental vs Vocals (3 1/2 stars), and Sound Effects Story (3 stars). *I did not upload on SoundCloud due to running the risk of copyright violations.* Mixing Soundtracks […]
  9. @hrashhDS106

    Moon Graffiti: Time In Space

    I’m gonna be honest. I do not enjoy listening to podcasts and audio storytelling (apart from music) in general. I tend to become very bored very fast. I also get distracted very quickly and realize I don’t really know what is going on. I’m more of a visual person and and I understand the story better. However, the sound effects […]
  10. @hrashhDS106

    Weekly Summary: WEEK FOUR

    Week four has been a little challenging; however, I enjoyed the challenges at the same time. Over the years, I am loosing my photography skills, and I cancelled my Adobe Creative Cloud membership. So, the assignments this week motivated me to get back into some of the things I used to do! I am thinking to take a photography class […]
  11. @hrashhDS106

    Week Four Assignment Bank: Capturing The Power Of Editing!

    This week one of the assignments we were given was to choose assignments from the “Visual Assignments” section in the assignment bank. All of the assignments combined have to have a total of twelve stars. The assignments I chose were “The Life Of A Superhero” (2 stars), “Colorize It” (3 stars), “ComboPhoto” (3 stars), and “Design To Shock” (4 stars). […]
  12. @hrashhDS106

    Weekly Summary: WEEK THREE

    This week has been going pretty well! Even though this course is work heavy, I feel like I understand everything and I actually know what I am doing. The work can be tedious sometimes plus with the other classes and homework that I have to complete. I feel like I already got the really hard stuff out of the way. […]
  13. @hrashhDS106

    Week Three Assignment Bank: Fortunes, Emotions, And All Love

    This week one of the assignments we were given was to choose assignments from the the “Writing Assignments” section in the assignment bank. All of the assignments combined have to have a total of twelve stars. The assignments I chose were “Dear Future Husband” (2 stars), “Emotional Lyrics” (3 stars), “Changing Fortunes” (3 stars), and “To My Mom” (4 stars). […]
  14. @hrashhDS106

    Weekly Summary: WEEK TWO

    I enjoyed completing the various assignments this week! I started off with the Assignment Bank and wanted to choose the options that interested me the most. The three assignments that I chose are Your Favorite Photo (1 1/2 stars), TV Show Gifs (2 starts), and Tongue Twister (3 stars). I enjoyed thinking outside of the box and figuring out creative […]
  15. @hrashhDS106

    Week Two: Unique Choosing from Assignment Bank!

    This week one of the assignments we were given was to choose three assignments from three different categories on the DS106’s Assignment Bank website. The three assignments I chose was “Your Favorite Photo” (1 1/2 stars), “TV Show Gifs” (2 stars), and “Tongue Twister” (3 stars). TV SHOW Gifs For this assignment I chose to create four gifs from one […]
  16. @hrashhDS106

    Weekly Summary: WEEK ONE

    This week was super challenging! Signing up for the accounts was not difficult; however, setting up the WordPress website was a challenge. Initially, I thought setting up the domain and subdomain was going to be a struggle even though it was step one. But I really like the directions the UMW website provided. The instructions actually made it easier to […]
  17. @hrashhDS106

    What’s (Y)our Story

    I am little confused regarding this question; however, this got me thinking about my classmate’s WordPress websites. Our websites are basically “About Me” pages and what we believe in and are passionate about. The websites will showcase our personalities. Our photos and other illustrations are incorporating storytelling in web design. I am not sure about what our future assignments will […]

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