Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94983 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @JHolburd

    What Yonder Design Doth Blitz??

    Let’s look at COLOR, RHYTHM, TYPOGRAPHY AND UNITY Color is what defines the design in the photo below, and the deep saturation of color enables the back lighting to play with the reds and greens to create interest for the viewer. The deep red berries on the left that are not directly backlit by the […]
  2. @JHolburd

    Design Is the Gift of Sense

    Thinking about the importance of good design, it is important because it helps us make sense of our world. It creates linkages for us. James Verdesoto distilled movie poster design down by color themes and use of negative space and wow, it became so obvious how I’ve been personally influenced by design.  Actually, it’s been […]
  3. @JHolburd

    Radio Show Idea–The Voice

    Thinking out loud here. Really. If we are going to be recording our voices in the future, those voices are one of the tools to effectively communicate to our audience. I think it would be cool to do a radio show about how we use our voices effectively to get our message across. For instance, […]
  4. @JHolburd

    A Defiant Song Story

    I always had a determination to insist on fairness so when AudioAssignments75 came up to write a Song Story, something popped immediately in my head. From the time of my memories, I’ve thought about fairness and why being male or female was such a big deal when people thought about what someone should or should […]
  5. @JHolburd

    Listening to the Rad eeO

    There were seven of us listening to the ds106 radio this evening, Monday, February 7, from 8-9 p.m. Our Professor Paul Bond wove us through the intro and outro (was he also the sound editor emeritus??). Unfortunately, I could not engage in the discussion on Discord. I didn’t receive my invitation in the first week […]
  6. @JHolburd

    Audio Reflection

    I had not thought about audio storytelling as the story in itself but more to amplify and assist a story of words. As I listened to Abumrad, he brought it home when he explained that radio connects people with their imaginations by one person transmitting a visual image to the receiving person with their voice […]
  7. @JHolburd

    Weekly Summary–Week Four

    Twitter I figured out the three Daily Creates this week, trying to see how I could accomplish the task as quickly as possible and still satisfy the intent of the assignment. For the first Tweet, it was just too obvious to pick a photo that I had taken while hiking along the Rappahannock River a […]
  8. @JHolburd

    Dasher’s Photo Blitzen

    A few days ago, I went through about ten different photoblitz lists before landing on one I could completely accomplish in my personal space. Then it took me two more days to find the time during the day to do the project because the one I chose needed me to take a picture of weather […]
  9. @JHolburd

    D’Juneau?? 2022-02-01 00:24:12

    I’ve been shooting since the Kodak Pocket Instamatic in high school. By the time I enlisted in the Marine Corps, I got my first SLR camera, an Olympus OM-1 with a fixed, 50mm lens. You could adjust the aperture and focus, and could add a flash with its hot shoe. I wish I still had […]
  10. @JHolburd

    Weekly Summary–Week Three

    This was a much more manageable week. I got an earlier start, figured out how to do hypertext links and didn’t have problems with my laptop’s performance. I spent a lot more time on my Daily Creates than is expected but it’s still not easy for me to just throw something together. I wish it […]
  11. @JHolburd

    Kindred Story Analysis

    The novel Kindred by Octavia Butler, published in 1979, is a science fiction/slave narrative about Dana, a young African American woman and aspiring writer, who finds herself shunted between her home in Los Angeles in 1976 and a pre-civil war Maryland plantation, back and forth, over multiple time-travel trips, where she meets her ancestors. This […]
  12. @JHolburd

    Coming Out of the Dark

    August 2021 was my benchmark, when we started gathering again in the classroom at UMW. It meant that we students would again be in each other’s presence after about 15 months of hibernation. I was ready to announce, that I was going to “find my happy”. That was my running tag line. For my art […]
  13. @JHolburd

    Gauchos, The Tango and Malbec

    It seems Argentina has a twist on everything interesting in this world! So this is a dream vacation that would create the Joy we talk about in our theme (back to Bob Ross) because it will last at least six weeks, something I have never indulged in before. Can you imagine being gone from your […]
  14. @JHolburd

    My Bucket isn’t Bottomless Anymore

    This assignment asks if we ever made a mental bucket list of things we ever seriously or jokingly wanted to do.  Heck, I live by lists.  Lists for the grocery store, lists for what to do tomorrow, tonight, this month, next month, for you, for me, for the dog.  Wait–I don’t have a dog! Darn […]
  15. @JHolburd

    Fear, No. PTS, Yes.

    I say “Fear, No” because I am not a fearful person. To me, fear has little use except to cripple and stop you in your tracks. When I saw the assignment “Facing Your Fears” then asking me to describe my biggest fear and what it might think of me, then write a terrifying story of […]
  16. @JHolburd

    Threading the Family Needle with Letters and Furniture

    I possess about 20 letters from my Great Uncle Frank Brownson to his sister, my Great Aunt Lois Brownson, when he was a soldier in the Philippine Islands in 1900-1901 and Aunt Lois lived in Iowa.  He was serving in Porac just northwest of Manila with Company M in the 32nd Infantry Regiment of the […]

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