Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94986 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Ernest Hemingway

    Instant Likes, Real Results: Buy Authentic Instagram Engagement

    In the realm of social media, engagement is cash. On Instagram, the number of likes, comments, and shares your substance receives can make or break your internet-based presence. For those looking to rapidly boost their internet standing, buying likes for your Instagram account. Concept of Buying Instagram Engagement Buying Instagram engagement involves paying a service to […]
  2. @llilli5163

    Drive More Traffic To Your Site With a “Link In Bio” Social Links Page

    From your social media channels to your storefront and everything in between, you have a lot of links you want your audience to easily access. is proud to make this possible and take you a step closer to organizing all of your unique platforms with a seamless and reliable Social Links Page.
  3. Ernest Hemingway

    What Are The Best Encrypted Instant Messaging Apps Of This Year?

    Encrypted instant messaging is the most advanced and secure way of connecting with family, friends, or colleagues anytime, anywhere. People share personal and professional things over messaging, and sometimes the elements of the chat are so confidential that anyone can take advantage of it upon gaining access to them. Marketing companies, government agencies, and cybercriminals […]
  4. Ernest Hemingway

    How to hack an Instagram account?

    Almost every second person wants to hack anyone’s Instagram account as they love to peep into others’ life. You will also get numerous Instagram searches related to how to hack Instagram and a lot more. There are numerous paid and unpaid services available on the internet which provides Instagram hacking. If you are confused about […]
  5. amiddlet50

    Revisting the 5Cs to discover value for different times

    I have had an immense feeling of warmth and solidarity this evening as good thoughts and memories have been triggered by Sheila’s post on How Sheila Sees It ‘Bring your own device for learning or bringing learning to your device?’ … Continue reading ?
  6. amiddlet50

    The core principles of co-production

    Co-production, as defined by Filipe et al. (2017), is “an exploratory space and a generative process that leads to different, and sometimes unexpected, forms of knowledge, values, and social relations.” It is more than a matter of ‘production’ being an outcome … Continue reading
  7. amiddlet50

    Being there – thinking about presence #socmedhe18 #mugafesto

    First, and significantly, let me thank my colleagues and co-facilitators of #socmedhe18 which happened at Nottingham Trent University on Wednesday. I will reflect separately on the power of friend-based collaboration as a disruptive basis for creating a stimulating learning environment … Continue reading
  8. emilysmayy

    B2B Tech Social Launch Campaign


    This project was a part of a larger initiative to rebrand the entire worldwide commerce unit at IBM. The social strategy played a critical role in making the transition known –informing and educating clients and prospects across Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn channels. The announcement was to take place during World of Watson in Las Vegas and my plan encompassed unique… Read more →

    The post B2B Tech Social Launch Campaign appeared first on Emily S. May .

  9. amiddlet50

    The happy accident – accidental learning #socmedhe18

    I am trying to write about formality in learning. This is an ongoing theme for me inevitability, given my interest in spaces for learning in which the learner is the prime mover and agent at the centre of their learning. … Continue reading
  10. amiddlet50

    The tweet is the new photograph

    I am reading Susan Sontag’s seminal book On Photography from 1977. It’s interesting reading the book in an age where the act of photographing the world has exploded beyond what Sontag could have imagined – even though her critique of … Continue reading
  11. amiddlet50

    Productive failure, drawing and erasing – exploring visual literacies #twalk #possibilities

    More walking, talking and Twalking (just about) I co-led a Twalk today on the subject of visual literacies as part of Sheffield Hallam University’s Learning & Teaching Conference with my colleague Helen Rodger. It was billed simply as a learning … Continue reading

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