Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92861 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @MasonOberle

    Week 14


    This week, I finished the last components of my Digital Storytelling course. I published my game on Squiffy and detailed my creative process in a post on my blog. Then, I uploaded a short trailer for it on YouTube and posted about it. Through these projects, I tried my best to utilize several of the […]

    The post Week 14 appeared first on The Oberle Archive.

  2. Downes


    December 2, 2021. Our previous fridge got very sick (and very noisy) last week, so we welcomed a new fridge to the house today. Cats were not impressed. This new fridge will take some getting used to, but the fridge magnets (seen currently on the indus...
  3. Downes

    Purple Finch

    December 1, 2021. This purple finch sat on the rail on the upper part of the deck, giving me a perfect opportunity to take a photo. I also got a really nice photo of a woodpecker (not as nice as this, though). Today was a Costco day, and another long m...
  4. Downes

    Clamp and Cat Hair

    November 30, 2021. You might ask why there is cat hair on this clamp. That's because it's the clamp that Julia carries around the house. Why is a cat carrying a clamp around the house? Ask her, not me. This was another day full of meetings, though I wa...
  5. Downes

    Dump Sink

    November 29, 2021. This is the Tim Horton's near the NRC offices in Ottawa. I had to come on to the campus to drop off a computer. It put a big hole in my day, which also involved starting Module 7 of my course and even doing a little work on some othe...
  6. @mgedney

    my final ds106 story

    As the semester winds to an end, so does my final ds106 project. As I mentioned in my progress post, Walker and I created a video explaining how this class compares to and has expanded our utilization of social media platforms. We included segments on Twitter, YouTube, Soundcloud, Instagram, and
  7. @YousephAsaad

    The Web 20 Years Ago

    “Small Pieces Loosely Joined” The first three chapters of the reading go into detail about what the internet was like for many people in its initial stages and how in many ways it relates to the space we have in real life. The author did a great job of explaining how the web has changed […]
  8. @Marie-Lynn

    The Typology of Music: A Glitch Art Story and Portfolio

    For my final project in DS106, I wanted to take an old project I had worked on in high school and revamp it by combining my knowledge of photography, coding, and writing to create an interesting glitch art photo gallery accompanied by a story. To start off, this project took a lot of time. I took an old typology project from high school where I took thirty pictures of various CDs I own to arrange in a grid format and decided to create glitch art out of that. Glitch art is an aesthetic choice or the unintentional result of a malfunction. For example, that rainbow effect on a broken TV can be considered glitch art! I learned how to create glitch art in Creative Coding with Dr. Whalen earlier this semester and thought it would be cool to apply that knowledge to this class! I became proficient in the use of Audacity (yes the audio software) to create glitch art and decided to generate several interesting galleries of art using the different effects. Glitch art can be achieved in Audacity through a little file conversion and then messing around with the effects menu. The process is a little complex, but luckily I made a Glitch Art Tutorial for anyone interested in learning more! I decided to create six different galleries: Difference, Graphic EQ, Echo, Reverb, Wahwah, and Change Tempo. Each of these are named after the effect I used to produce the images in Audacity. And each gallery contains thirty images each! So that is a total of one-hundred-eighty images I created for this project! This was a long and tiresome process. Creating glitch art with Audacity means converting, saving, and converting files again over and over. After doing this over a hundred times, I got more than a little tired of staring at my computer. Then I had to upload each of these images to Flickr, because I do not have enough storage left on my Domain to upload images directly. Then came the tedious part: embedding all those images into the subdomain I had created for this project. Yep, you heard me right. I created a subdomain that allows me to display each of these galleries like a typical artist or photographer would. Each gallery has a page dedicated to displaying the gallery by type, but the entire Flickr gallery is embedded in several places around the site if you would like to look at it that way. Embedding each of those images into the site took forever and I once again found myself hating my computer. However, once I was finished, I was so happy with the result that I could not stay mad! After getting all the images together I started writing a story to tie it all together. Fair warning, the story is a bit personal but it also include my love of music and CDs, which is part of the reason why I wrote it. I put a lot of thought into it, into this whole project, so I hope everyone enjoys it! This blog post is merely meant to act as an introduction and reflection of my project I will provide the link down below. The link can also be found in the menu of this site, by going under the Digital Studies tab. There is a category for Digital Storytelling, and the project is the only thing linked under it. Once you get to the site, be sure to look around! There are various pages and links to check out! The entire project is not just confined to one page! I hope everyone enjoys! Please be sure to leave a comment down below to let me know what you think! I thank you so much for such an amazing semester in this class!
  9. @Marie-Lynn

    The Typology of Music: A Glitch Art Story and Portfolio

    For my final project in DS106, I wanted to take an old project I had worked on in high school and revamp it by combining my knowledge of photography, coding, and writing to create an interesting glitch art photo gallery accompanied by a story. To start off, this project took a lot of time. I took an old typology project from high school where I took thirty pictures of various CDs I own to arrange in a grid format and decided to create glitch art out of that. Glitch art is an aesthetic choice or the unintentional result of a malfunction. For example, that rainbow effect on a broken TV can be considered glitch art! I learned how to create glitch art in Creative Coding with Dr. Whalen earlier this semester and thought it would be cool to apply that knowledge to this class! I became proficient in the use of Audacity (yes the audio software) to create glitch art and decided to generate several interesting galleries of art using the different effects. Glitch art can be achieved in Audacity through a little file conversion and then messing around with the effects menu. The process is a little complex, but luckily I made a Glitch Art Tutorial for anyone interested in learning more! I decided to create six different galleries: Difference, Graphic EQ, Echo, Reverb, Wahwah, and Change Tempo. Each of these are named after the effect I used to produce the images in Audacity. And each gallery contains thirty images each! So that is a total of one-hundred-eighty images I created for this project! This was a long and tiresome process. Creating glitch art with Audacity means converting, saving, and converting files again over and over. After doing this over a hundred times, I got more than a little tired of staring at my computer. Then I had to upload each of these images to Flickr, because I do not have enough storage left on my Domain to upload images directly. Then came the tedious part: embedding all those images into the subdomain I had created for this project. Yep, you heard me right. I created a subdomain that allows me to display each of these galleries like a typical artist or photographer would. Each gallery has a page dedicated to displaying the gallery by type, but the entire Flickr gallery is embedded in several places around the site if you would like to look at it that way. Embedding each of those images into the site took forever and I once again found myself hating my computer. However, once I was finished, I was so happy with the result that I could not stay mad! After getting all the images together I started writing a story to tie it all together. Fair warning, the story is a bit personal but it also include my love of music and CDs, which is part of the reason why I wrote it. I put a lot of thought into it, into this whole project, so I hope everyone enjoys it! This blog post is merely meant to act as an introduction and reflection of my project I will provide the link down below. The link can also be found in the menu of this site, by going under the Digital Studies tab. There is a category for Digital Storytelling, and the project is the only thing linked under it. Once you get to the site, be sure to look around! There are various pages and links to check out! The entire project is not just confined to one page! I hope everyone enjoys! Please be sure to leave a comment down below to let me know what you think! I thank you so much for such an amazing semester in this class!
  10. @grace_long88

    Final Project

    Recently I have been thinking a lot about my college experience. I am so happy I came to Mary Washington and had so many great classes and met so many good people. I am also thankful for how much I have changed throughout college. Looking back, I am nothing like
  11. @nalujoprojects


    Hello everyone! I am a sophomore at UMW currently double majoring in Biochemistry and Communication and Digital Studies. Most of my experience with the kind of projects we might be doing this semester came from Creative Coding, which I took last semester. I’m pretty proud of a lot of my project from that class, and …
  12. @kjax18271

    The Grande Finale

    Like Leaves Like leavesYour life can be vibrantExperience every second with wonderDon’t let life get complacent.Life is too short to live mediocre Like LeavesChange comes with the breezeLife’s turbulences can leave a scarExposing only the branches of your treesBut only then do you see who you really are Like leavesColor the world around youLet the… Continue reading The Grande Finale
  13. Downes

    Warwick Forest

    November 28, 2021. It's winter in Warwick Forest, though some berries - like this one - and grapes and bright green leaves are still holdovers from fall. I finished off several more talks for my course today and am ready to move on to the next module i...
  14. Downes

    The Weight of Snow

    November 27, 2021. This is the result of the snow we had yesterday a couple of inches covering everything and weighing down the weeds in the back yard. Today I spent a full day working on the course, recording and uploading a number of presentations. I...
  15. Downes

    Neck Fur

    November 26, 2021. I came downstairs during a break in my meeting to find Andrea stuck in this situation, witting with a plate in her had and a cat wrapped around her neck, fast asleep. In addition to the meetings, I finished my slides on the duty of c...
  16. natalie

    Part III – On a new day, 10 o’clock

    Chapter II Sisley’s first day at Cargo City South from the book Airways – I’m not in Hollywood Sisley walks out of her office to get some coffee water and walks into Treasure who is just arriving walking down the corridor towards Sisley with the JPS lead phrase. ”I’m not in Hollywood!” he stops. “Good morning… Continue reading Part III – On a new day, 10 o’clock
  17. Downes


    November 25, 2021. This is the first goldfinch we've seen on the goldfinch feeder - it uses a fine mesh so only birds with tiny feet can land on it and eat the food. We also had a female cardinal spend quite a bit of time on the (other) feeder. I spent...

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