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  1. Stephen Downes

    Catching Up

    December 17, 2024. In the home office catching up on my 'daily' photo uploads. This is the the Costco photo being added to my Flickr account. It also gives you a sense of what my home office looks like as seen from my seat in it.
  2. Stephen Downes


    December 15, 2024. There's no reason to block this wide sturdy bridge over the winter. But the city government in Ottawa seems to hate pedestrians and cyclists. Blocking winter pathways seems to be the norm, even though Ottawa is supposedly a winter c...
  3. Stephen Downes

    Costco Snow

    December 12, 2024. Doing the weekly shopping after work at the Costco. There was a little snow. The road was predictably fun to drive. Would have been nice to stay home today, but they think it's really important that I work alone in my office. https:...
  4. Stephen Downes

    Fog and Snow

    December 10, 2024. This is just outside Petawawa today. A group of us drove up here for the day related to a current project. It wasn't exactly an easy drive as the fog only got worse. But it was cool to see Petawawa, which I had never seen before. ht...
  5. natalie

    2nd Quarter

    From the book THE WEEKEND: Love, Ambition & The Lisbon Dream ?listen to the audio on ?  They sat in the small café, Pateo Pompalino, which was opposite the church. Melia immediately ordered a white wine at the bar inside and made eye contact with a tall guy in his twenties with dark hair and… Continue reading 2nd Quarter
  6. @aliboo1432

    Creative Coding Digital Portfolio

    Project 1: Sunny Reminders To improve my ransom letter, I added sun emojis at the beginning and end of the phrase to enhance the text’s theme. I also centered the text, increased the font size, and used a pastel-yellow background to make the presentation more visually appealing and easy to read. https:/ Project 2: Dynamic...
  7. Stephen Downes

    Snow Apple

    December 7, 2024. Snow covered crabapple tree in our back yard. Spend all day Saturday working, 'banking' hours for the Christmas shutdown. The same project as usual.
  8. Stephen Downes

    Snow on Campus

    December 4, 2024. Working from the office today, even though it's snowing. I'm in that state of mind where I'm immersed in a project that has me being otherwise irresponsible on other obligations, but I don't want to stop because it's going so well. T...
  9. Stephen Downes


    December 3, 2024. This is a genuine used CFL football signed by four RedBlacks players and now my newest office decoration. We purchased it at the annual RedBlacks locker room sale. Another day working at home; same project.
  10. Stephen Downes


    December 2, 2024. We got a dusting of snow overnight; here it is reflecting the morning sunlight in my back yard. Working from home today, on my CList app.
  11. Stephen Downes

    Ice Hockey

    December 1, 2024. We went to the RedBlacks annual locker room sale today and then stayed to watch an Ottawa 67s Jr. A hockey game. The 67s did not fare well, though it was entertaining and the first place London Knights did not disappoint. https://fli...
  12. natalie


    The Investigation & Hidden Truths ?listen to the audio on ?  from the book City Cadence: Pulse of the Current James was fighting his AI bot colleague Rapha while working remotely today, converting his kitchen into his home office. He realised Rapha’s revisions had changed a case every time he tried to work on it. The… Continue reading REVEALING THE PAST & MOVING FORWARD
  13. Stephen Downes

    Road Hockey

    November 30, 2024. We had a much smaller Christmas Festival than usual this year, but there was still road hockey. Also chili dogs and other treats. I released an OPML2JSON application today, part of the larger app that has been consuming all my atten...
  14. Stephen Downes

    Small Potatoes

    November 22, 2024. This is what remains of my office farm. I overwatered it before leaving for Croatia and a lot of it died off. I found a couple of small potatoes. But it's still alive and I'm letting the soil dry out some before watering again. http...

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