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  1. natalie

    UNCONVENTIONAL ALLIANCES – Nyssa’s hometown reunion

    ?listen to the audio on ?  Taking a break from her hectic schedule, Nyssa decided to spend the weekend at her family’s suburban home, just a short drive from her current residence near Frankfurt. She decided to take a nostalgic journey, driving over to Rumpenheim Castle, a historic gem that once hosted European nobility. Originally… Continue reading UNCONVENTIONAL ALLIANCES – Nyssa’s hometown reunion
  2. Stephen Downes

    Pine Cones

    May 22, 2024. Pine cones phjotographed through the window of the breezeway between the Riverside Hospital and the Professional Building. Andrea was in for a regular check-up. Otherwise, it was a fairly ordinary day on the job doing the newsletter and ...
  3. Stephen Downes

    Larose Forest

    May 20, 2024. Went for a 50 km bike ride today mostly through Larose Forest. It was a very hot day and the ride was roughly have gravel and half pavement. I rode on the touring bike with a bit of a load and felt pretty worn out by the end. https://fli...
  4. Stephen Downes

    Old Apple Blossoms

    May 17, 2024. I took a quick snap of the apple tree on the way into the office this morning. Started the day with a quick couple of meetings which went quite well, then focused on newsletter stuff (I have a talk coming up next week so I wanted to make...
  5. Stephen Downes

    Downy Woodpecker

    May 15, 2024. Downy woodpecker on the feeder in the back yard. Not the greatest photo because I took it out the window with my phone. Worked from home today but it was too rainy to go biking.
  6. Stephen Downes

    Prescott-Russell Trail

    May 16, 2024. This is a typical scene along the Prescott-Russell trail. I put in a full day of work and then at 4 took off for a good three hours along the trail. Best ride of the year! It was warm (finally!) and mostly sunny, hardly any wind, and I'v...
  7. Stephen Downes

    I am not a sink

    May 14, 2024. This is not a sink. That said, it's not clear what it is. It's located in the Thai Express near where I work and where I had lunch today, on the counter where we empty our garbage and stack our trays. It serves no purpose other than to n...
  8. Stephen Downes


    May 13, 2024. Sparrow on the pavement, posing for a photo. I was in the office today, having an off day as a result of an argument yesterday. I worked on my newsletter and the CList project a bit.
  9. natalie

    CITY CADENCE – Chapter 1- SKYLINE, ROOFTOP – Views

    ?listen to the audio on ?  Sachsenhäuser Berg, in the mid-90s, buzzed with life atop the grounds of Henninger Bräu. The air was electric with the pulse of a massive party, and the stage was ablaze with D-Flame, passionately rapping about another day. The crowd undulated as one entity, their hands rising in synchronized waves… Continue reading CITY CADENCE – Chapter 1- SKYLINE, ROOFTOP – Views
  10. Stephen Downes

    Apple Tree

    May 12, 2024. We went to the Ottawa Tulip Festival today, taking a roundabout route that took us to the west of Dow's Lake and encountering this huge apple tree.
  11. Stephen Downes

    Apple Blossoms

    May 10, 2024. More apple blossoms, these near the place where I had lunch by the Costco. Another office day today; I was able to work on a neat idea I've been puttering with, a convergent discussion list. I'm doing it all in Javascript, which is a cha...
  12. dogtrax

    A Room Becomes A Turntable

    For today’s Daily Create, the prompt was to “remix your world” using an image. I had a photo of an empty basement, where my band used to practice, and when I did a little tinkering in LunaPic, the room became a turntable (by accident). And of course, a turntable requires some scratching. Peace (and sound), […]
  13. Stephen Downes

    Apple Blossoms

    May 9, 2024. We have one tree outside our office building that flowers every year and I think is an apple tree. Anyhow, here are the blossoms. Generally unproductive today because I'm working in the office but I did finish revising my literature revie...
  14. Stephen Downes

    Mourning Dove

    May 8, 2024. This morning dove is perched at the top of the gazebo in our back yard. The weather has turned and it was rainy and cool today, a good day to work indoors all day, starting in early morning with an Agora session with my European partners,...
  15. Stephen Downes


    May 7, 2024. Repairs underway at one of Casselman's main intersections, right near the highway, spotted as I headed out on my afternoon bike ride. I traded some free time on a Tuesday afternoon for work time on a rainy Saturday.
  16. dogtrax

    Four Poems: Moth, Silence, Flower, Flood

    Here are four poems from today and yesterday. The one above is from the Daily Haiku prompts off Mastodon, where today’s prompt was “moth.” This second is inspired by a poem shared by Terry, along with some explanations and possibilities and the concept of a “silence map” took hold in my mind. A third poem […]

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