Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92753 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @skyler0455

    week nine summary

    This week, I reworked some old assignments, adding to them and redoing them. I enjoyed revisiting them! I reflected on listening to The Undergraduate Monster Wash on ds106 radio and my group’s own radio show. It was so interesting to hear other groups’ shows! I connected three Daily Creates into a story. This was a […]
  2. @skyler0455

    final project ideas

    I was not expecting it to be so hard to brainstorm ideas. There are so many directions we could take the project! An idea I’ve been thinking about that keeps with our Bob Ross theme is maybe recreating one of his paintings following one of his videos. I want it to be a painting that […]
  3. @skyler0455

    connected daily creates

    I had the weirdest dream last night: I woke up to my phone ringing, but couldn’t find it anywhere, so I had to enlist the help of superhero. He came to the rescue and found my phone under my pillow. When I picked up the phone, it wasn’t a person on the other end – […]
  4. @skyler0455

    radio show reflections

    Yesterday I listened to The Undergraduate Monster Wash radio show on ds106 radio. I really enjoyed this show! The group used consistent sound effects and background music throughout to really set the scene and add a spooky theme to the stories they were telling. The voice acting in each story also added to how well […]
  5. @grace_long88

    Happy Fall

    For my daily creates this week I wanted them to all represent Fall. Fall is my favorite season and it just started so I thought it would be perfect. I started the week by making a gif. I found a free image online that portrayed the calendar month of October.
  6. @skyler0455

    reworked assignments

    This week, I looked through some of my old assignments to see which ones I wanted to rework. The first one I picked was my contradiction creation assignment. I really liked this assignment the first time around and wanted to add to it. It was about creating a graphic that conveys a feeling or theme […]
  7. @grace_long88

    Take a Guess! (redone)

    I wanted to redo this assignment because I recently got a new phone with a better camera. The last time I did this assignment the photo was not good quality so I thought it would be fun to do it again with a better quality photo. So take a guess
  8. @grace_long88

    Before & After (redone)

    My favorite season is Fall. I love the way the leaves change and the temperature is perfect outside. I also love wearing comfy jackets and sweatshirts. I think it is remarkable how different outside looks in different seasons. For my first rework I decided to try the Color Changer assignment
  9. @mgedney

    pumpkin logo

    My second redo assignment was my logo I made during the graphic design week. I wanted to test my self and do the opposite of my first logo, a logo you would find during fall. My original one was a soft pink with cursive writing that advertised a bakery. I
  10. @mgedney

    dream room and beyond

    I choose to update my dream bedroom assignment from a few weeks ago. The goal was to create a Pinterest board with all the components that build a bedroom. This week I decided to edit and expand what I created. I searched for more pins for the existing board to
  11. @mgedney

    weekly summary nine

    This week was dedicated to listening to my classmate’s radio shows and improving upon my old assignments. I started off the week by tuning into ds106 radio on Monday night and listening to the airing radio shows while I reacted on discord. It was really fun to hear what others
  12. @mgedney

    project ideas

    What story do I want to share with the world is a super broad question. There are so many little things I would want to share, but what would be meaningful for an audience narrows it down. I think a story the world could relate to would be about my
  13. @mgedney

    radio reflections

    I tuned into ds106 radio on Monday night. The first show airing was ‘How to Survive: Advice from the Five’. It was a great show. They covered essential things all freshman MUST hear and made sure to include the details. We heard about the importance of writing every tiny assignment
  14. @Sam_ara106

    Wrap9ing Up

    I greatly appreciated the lower quantity of assignments this semester, especially since I have so many essays, readings, and tests coming up in my other classes! I completed three Daily Creates, and this week they were much more spread out than they usually are. In fact, I feel like I have done so little work […]
  15. @Sam_ara106

    Radio Show Completion!

    At 9:00pm last night, Apocalyptic Airwave aired on DS106 Radio! I tuned in about fifteen minutes early, and it was strange going from what sounded like a professional radio show to what my group and I had created seamlessly. Joshua and I were both on Twitter to answer questions, but there were not too many asked! […]

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