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  1. @samprice_ds106

    Haiku About The Breakfast Club

    For this assignment we had to come up with a haiku about a movie we’ve watched for this class. I chose to write one about The Breakfast Club because it’s a great representation of the 80s. Plus it’s one of my favorite movies. Five kids in trouble Detention on Saturday All friends in the end I focused on the fact that the main characters were all in Saturday detention and even though they were all very different, by the end of the day, they all became friends. I hope you enjoyed my haiku! PS: This was a 1-star assignment..2.5-stars to […]
  2. @Maeve_ds106

    A Simple 80’s Haiku

    This assignment is a writing assignment under the Assignment bank; you can find the instructions here, Movie Haiku: Save Ferris: Created by Hughes Ferris likes to skip some school Save Ferris Bueller I haven’t written a Haiku in a long time. I work with middle school students who are currently in their poetry unit, […]

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