1. paul bond

    Doll talk

    In this video, we discuss the Twilight Zone episode “Living Doll” and the Trilogy of Terror segment “Amelia.” The green screen function wasn’t being cooperative today, so I’m posting the raw recording, with network connectivity issues and all. Despite the … Continue reading
  2. konarheim

    Transitions, wrap ups, and beginnings!

    August: – time for wrapping up the short summer and bringing projects to completion. -time for family and making memories with visits and activities. -time to panic about not being ready for the new adventures of fall -AHHHH!!! So much going on and all fun and important! As family is arriving for visits – I ... Read more
  3. John Johnston


    GifDub Using Neocities who say We provide free web hosting and tools that allow anyone to make a website. and Neocities will never sell your personal data or embed advertising on your site.. GifDub is a sort of sound and gif mashup using the Giphy Api and Freesound API. The idea is to play several […]
  4. DS106 on the couch

    I did two posters yesterday for the Daily Create. It was such a…


    I did two posters yesterday for the Daily Create

    It was such a struggle. We were supposed to be wax lyrical about rain and I could not find it in me to make anything positive about rain. jjgifs had made an image showing just how wonderful (not) UK summer can be. 

    I looked at many options and nothing appealed. Back to basics. The series of typography posters I am working on. Find appropriate words that did not praise rain as that is how I was feeling and templates I have used in the past. Add lovely Noun Project icons and  John’s photos  - Bob’s your uncle. Done. 

  5. byzantiumbooks

    Reboot GIFs

    Andrew Forgrave has given a wonderful introduction to the 1990s Reboot series, and how fun it is to create GIFs from the Number 7 episode (available on the Prisoner106 Archive page). Today I watched the episode, and once again realize that so much has been created in niches of popular culture that I have not […]
  6. Andrew Forgrave

    Enzo as Matrix as Megabyte as The Prisoner as Number One

    Ah, the Multi-Frame GIF Story assignment, Animated GIF Assignment 880. Gotta love it.  If you’ve never encountered Reboot (the first full-length, completely computer-animated TV series) then you’ll need a bit of background to fully appreciate this post and the Reboot Season 3 episode, “Number 7″, which references The Prisoner.  Reboot was ground-breaking back in the mid 90s as personal computers, […]
  7. byzantiumbooks

    Who’s Two? GIF

    There are two people who have done a lot of work to make the Prisoner106 summer Village vacation special. I have made a special GIF to honor the hidden committee that (I think) put it all together. Maybe I’m wrong, but these two are special anyway. I know that everyone else is special, too. Don’t […]
  8. John Johnston

    By: Alan Levine (@cogdog)

    MAD MAD GENIUS! Seems to play on most devices. Well, 2 that I tried. I'd like to give it a spin. It can be a good impetus to do minimal sized stuff. Send me a copy, please! Or slap that thing in github. Its a bit funny because I tracked a few web sites that were offering a service for doing audio gifs and none of them I could see really caught on widely.
  9. John Johnston

    GifMovie a Plugin

    I am much more excited about this than it warrants. Hopefully just above this text you will see a canvas still image with a play button. Clicking on that should load a gif and an audio loop. I’ve played with this sort of thing before but this is a bit more serious. A WordPress plugin! […]
  10. konarheim

    Wearing down to becoming Village Resident

    A rather odd week it seems. Several independent things all together just making it odd. Or maybe it is settling into balance #4life by remembering to look up and see what else is going on and other creation possibilities not necessarily tied to No. 6 or tales of fairies. Video  – a time for definite ... Read more

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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