1. Alex Spangler

    Tutorial #1 – Face In Hole

    For my first tutorial, I’m going to show everyone how to create a FaceInHole!  These are extremely funny and I thought the class would benefit from using this site. You can view my assignment here I categorized it under Visual Assignments and rated it as a 1 star assignment since it doesn’t take too long ...
  2. Abigail Andrews

    Week 13 & 14 Summary

    RemixThis:  I really liked starting out reviewing the references to remix and examples.  It helped me understand what a remix is and how to go about making my own remixes for these two weeks.  It also helped me understand more about copyright material and when I can use it. 7 Stars Mashup Assignments:  I really ...
  3. Abigail Andrews

    Remixed Assignment

    Creep on a movie scene [remixed]: ‘Stache it Original Assignment: Creep on a movie scene created by Jack Mulrey Add yourself to a movie scene! Preferable a famous movie. The creepier you are, the better. Remix Card: “‘Stache It!” Urban Dictionary defines “mustache” as: “A universal icon representing the epitome of authority and raw manhood… ...
  4. Clemon Yueh

    Project Planning Post

    For the upcoming final story project, I’m planning on producing an ad campaign for the fictional restaurant featured in the anime/manga Working!! (or Wagnaria!! in the NA localization).  It is a fictional family restaurant located in an unspecified Japanese town … Continue reading
  5. afghanwoman


    The purpose of this assignment was to find a video (music, newscast, etc.) in a language other than English; and caption it in English. For this assignment I used an Afghani Pashto song called Tasara Meena larm ; and I translated into English. I used windows live movie maker to caption it in English. Since ...
  6. afghanwoman

    Mashup Assignments

    Ben Harwood’s Track Blazing Troubadour The purpose of this assignment was to make a movie trailer by taking a trilogy or any series of movies; and combine scenes from all the trailers to make one trailer.  Therefore, I chose the Fast and the Furious series one, two and three trailers; which were The fast and ...
  7. crystalrose0784

    Multi-Media Mayhem!!!

    Wow.  The Final Project, huh?  (yes, capitalized.  It’s that important.)  Well, then. I think this calls for Spongebob Squarepants. I have to admit here, and give credit where it is due.  While I was drowning in panic, scrolling through all of ds106, the syllabus, the assignment repositories, inSPIRE, and twitter, I finally stumbled across something ...
  8. Matt Meyer

    Planning Post

    So I was pretty excited to see how open ended the final project was, and I have a good idea of what I would like to do. My focus will be on telling the story of a fictional single German … Continue reading →
  9. Abigail Andrews

    Up & The Avengers Movie Trailer Mash-up

    Movie Trailer Mashup Take your favorite movie trailer and mash it up with a different trailer to completely change the meaning of the original trailer. For example, if you have a funny movie trailer, give it the sound of a terrifying movie; or vice versa. You may need to clip the audio or the visual, ...
  10. afghanwoman

    Remix This

    Review of the two references  Steal Like an Artist “Creativity is not magic; Creativity is for everyone” said Austin Kleon. Thoroughly, everyone can be creative if he/ she put some effort to it. Thus, creativity can be in any form whether one would remix an existing material or create something from scratch. I found the ...
  11. Alex Spangler

    Final Project Outline Plans

    Okay, well since I really enjoyed doing the video editing and the mashup part of the class, I’m going to focus my final project on that.  Here’s what I’m thinking… Since I used Jackson for my last mashup assignment, I’m wanting to focus on him again for this final project.  Here are the three elements ...
  12. mis-tery

    Final Project Outline

    Step one & Background Story For my final project I want my subject focus to be on a hopeless romantic girl named Isabella, who loves cliché chick flick movies sooo much that she hopes and dreams to live in one. Therefore, I want to get all my favorite love stories and give her what she ...
  13. Abigail Andrews

    Recycle the Media Tutorial

    Here is a tutorial for someone who needs help to make a video for this assignment: Recycle the Media During the Fall 2012 iteration of ds106 taught at UMW, we collected media from students that was unused in their previous work uploaded to http://dropitto.me/ds106phonar (the password was “photos4life” newly added media might take some time ...
  14. Abigail Andrews

    Taking a Nature Walk With Recycled Media

    Recycle the Media During the Fall 2012 iteration of ds106 taught at UMW, we collected media from students that was unused in their previous work uploaded to http://dropitto.me/ds106phonar (the password was “photos4life” newly added media might take some time to be moved- we have to feed the squirrels that do this manual labor). The content ...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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