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  1. @KellyPratt27125

    Audio Summary

    Audio Week Assignments: Audio Summary What did you learn? I learned about some sound techniques such as using sound effects, layering, and music. I also learned about storytelling. The Ira Glass videos were quite informative regarding how to tell a story. It’s the most natural thing in the world to speak a story, but writing […]
  2. @k8lynclements

    Sounds only a super chef would love

    Sound Effects – 3.5 Stars For this audio assignment I had to create my own sound effect. I decided to incorporate my super hero into this. Since she is a super chef I decided to create a sound effect of Merciful Mise en Place’s 2 favorite sounds. Dishing being washed and put into the dishwasher because this means that she completed her job and ready to move onto help a new person in need. The other sound would be someone cutting...

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