Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92934 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. amiddlet50

    Revisting the 5Cs to discover value for different times

    I have had an immense feeling of warmth and solidarity this evening as good thoughts and memories have been triggered by Sheila’s post on How Sheila Sees It ‘Bring your own device for learning or bringing learning to your device?’ … Continue reading ?
  2. amiddlet50

    Space, walking and non-verbal communications #activelearning

    Learning walks are valuable conversational spaces. They tend to be non-confrontational and, for me, epitomise co-operative learning. Not only do they feel familiar spaces exemplifying a networked paradigm as people move naturally between small groups through the course of semi-structured … Continue reading
  3. amiddlet50

    Space Walk #Twalk #ALN #activelearning

    Active Learning Network – Space Walk 16 January 2020, 16:00 – 18:00 GMT Our Active Learning Network satellite group will be taking part in a Space Walk at Anglia Ruskin University and we hope others in the sector will join … Continue reading
  4. amiddlet50

    Get active- watch TV

    My colleague Jason Williams at ARU’s DigiFest (#ARUDigifest) introduced our academics to Box of Broadcasts (BoB), a service provided by the British University’s Film & Video Council (BUFVC). The service provides access to 65 ‘free-to-air’ channels and their current and … Continue reading
  5. amiddlet50

    Active co-operativism for active learning

    This is a second post looking at the student’s role and the academic skills and dispositions needed for success in the active classroom. The first looked at active listening. Here, I suggest active co-operativism is an attitude and an ethos … Continue reading
  6. amiddlet50

    #Twalk – a new active pedagogy explained

    This post, and the ones that will follow, reflect on the Twalk as a pedagogy. In particular, I consider how students can draw upon the conversational activity and use the data it generates as the basis for developing and explaining … Continue reading
  7. amiddlet50

    Twalking back to happiness #twalk #spacetwalkLeeds

    Join us for a Twalk , 27th March 2019 Theme: Doing, Being, Belonging, Becoming and Connecting – the role of learning space Venue: Your campus When:  Wednesday 27th March 2019 between 1pm and 2pm (gather at 12.55 and allow time … Continue reading
  8. amiddlet50

    Being there – thinking about presence #socmedhe18 #mugafesto

    First, and significantly, let me thank my colleagues and co-facilitators of #socmedhe18 which happened at Nottingham Trent University on Wednesday. I will reflect separately on the power of friend-based collaboration as a disruptive basis for creating a stimulating learning environment … Continue reading
  9. amiddlet50

    Lurking, Active Learning and Legitimate Peripheral Participation #socmedhe18

    The first principle of active learning according to Bonwell & Eison (1991) is that it is more than passive listening. A rather negative note to start on perhaps, but we can see where they’re coming from. As we prepare, at … Continue reading
  10. amiddlet50

    Negotiated learning and the subject of teaching

    What is the subject of teaching? In this post, I mull over this question, its several meanings and its implications for negotiated active learning. In my role as an educational developer with responsibilities for both staff and curriculum development, the … Continue reading
  11. amiddlet50

    A place for imagining – blue skies under the tree canopy

    Myself and a colleague have some difficult thinking to do this week. Exciting thinking, but difficult nevertheless. So, we could book out a teaching room lined with whiteboards for the day and see what happens, but that feels too ‘inward’ … Continue reading
  12. amiddlet50

    The habit of thinking differently by looking more deeply

    An exploration of visual literacies and multiple intelligences There are many reasons why I have committed to exploring the idea of learning walks in terms of learning space and many of those reasons have been discussed here previously. For the … Continue reading
  13. amiddlet50

    Polycontextual bridging – how to be in two places at once

      Polycontextual bridging (Elstad, 2016) is a useful term that allows us to explore literacies around engaging with hybridity, blended learning spaces and learning literacies. Simply, it refers to the experience of being in two or more places at once. … Continue reading
  14. amiddlet50

    Twalking as digital placemaking #twalk #socmedhe17

    This 10 minute screencast introduces the key ideas of the twalk concept – learning walks with integrated tweetchats – and the pedagogic rationale underpinning walking, talking, tweeting and thinking. The video is part of the Twalk Toolkit being developed on … Continue reading
  15. amiddlet50

    “Things that the mind already knows” – what is an assessment? #assessment #briefing

    The American artist Jasper Johns, whose retrospective exhibition at the Royal Academy closed over the weekend, was fascinated with exploring the theme ‘Things that the Mind Already Knows’. He is perhaps best known for his interest in iconographic images, especially … Continue reading
  16. amiddlet50

    Learning obscured due to overcrowding

    Following on from my previous post on the criticality of students being clear about their assessment, I note that Black & Wiliam (1998, pp. 9-10) make similar points, while talking about self-assessment, about the engagement of students with their assessment. … Continue reading
  17. amiddlet50

    Friendship and the classroom

    I attended a seminar today given by my colleague Emma Heron. I was fortunate enough to mentor Emma through a year-long research project looking at the role of friendship in the student experience. It was good to catch up today … Continue reading

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