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  1. @jpegman24

    Digital Storytelling; Week 9; Weekly Assignment

    For this week’s assignment, I chose the “Privacy on the Web” I counted the number of open sourced programs on my laptop. I have 5 total. These include OpenEmu, flux, Textmate, Discord, and Audacity. I could probably replace a lot of my commercial software with freeware but commercial software is labeled as such for a …

    Continue reading "Digital Storytelling; Week 9; Weekly Assignment"

  2. @jpegman24

    Digital Storytelling; Week 9; Weekly Assignment

    For this week’s assignment, I chose the “What They Might Have Done In Social Media” assignment. Michael Jordan famously went on a rant telling parents not to expect him to parent and teach their children. People shorten the rant to those famous three words
  3. @JasmineAlanis2

    Week 9 Summary

    Assignment Rework I started my 9th week with an assignment rework! I was actually looking forward to do this assignment the most, which is why I didn’t start my week with the daily creates. I was so excited because I am the type of person that loves to reflect. I want to look back at
  4. @JasmineAlanis2

    Radio Show Reflection

    This week I was finally able to listen to everyone’s radio shows! Unfortunately, I could not tweet along due to work commitments. With that being said, I was so impressed with what all the groups were able to come up with, especially Girl Power’s radio show. I am obsessed with the music they used. Girl
  5. @JasmineAlanis2

    Web Storytelling

    For my web storytelling remix assignment, I decided to create the page with instructions for a new assignment. I recently found a web-assignment that asked me to make a BuzzFeed quiz. I thought it would be cool if there was a more specific assignment that required the student to make a BuzzFeed quiz on three
  6. @JasmineAlanis2

    Assignment Rework

    This week I took a look back at some of the assignments I have completed for the course. I knew I wanted to rework a visual assignment, so I figured my visual assignment to make a movie poster silly would be a perfect fit. The original directions for that assignment: “Take an existing movie poster
  7. @tiffmooree

    Weekly Summary 3/21/19

    This week was very interesting; I like how we were introduced to new software, ad-ons, and had new twists on old assignments. This week I got a majority of my work done in the waiting room while my grandmother was at the doctors. I got a majority of everything done in the hour to hour and a half I was there. Like I have said before, I am not sure if I am finally getting the hang of this class, or if the work load is becoming easier. It used to take me around eight hours to complete the work, now it takes me around 3 hours to complete the majority. I, at the same time, am not complaining. First, we had to listen to the radio shows. There were showings Monday through Wednesday. I was only able to make it to the Wednesday night showing. I really enjoyed it though! I talk in my post about how I regularly listen to podcasts, so I knew I would enjoy listening to the shows. The only problem was I normally am driving when I listen to podcasts, so having to be cooped up in bed and on twitter wasn’t ideal, but it was a great experience. I love being able to create a radio show and then listening to how everyone else interpreted the assignment. The second thing we had to do was web storytelling. I state that I thought this would be way more difficult than it was. I tend to have problems with new technology we have to use. I had a very difficult time with audacity, so anything that is foreign to me I try to avoid for as long as possible. I finally read through the entire thing and realized it may be easier than I thought. The tutorial when you download it made it a lot more manageable. Overall, this assignment went very smoothly and I was pleasantly surprised not only at how it turned out, but how well I was able to execute it. There seems to be a theme with this week. Everything on the syllabus looked to be difficult, but once I was doing it, it proved to be easier. For connecting the daily creates, I knew this would be hard. Having done these in the past, I know that they do not connect whatsoever. It is stated in the syllabus that we could go back to last week if it gets difficult, but I didn’t want to do that. I did the first two daily creates and thought I would just wing it. I almost waited until tomorrows daily create because I had no idea how to connect todays to my other two. Then it hit me, I was saying everything that I wanted in the other two, so for the third, I made it yet another thing I wanted and did not have. I enjoyed having only 8 stars for this week. I wanted to do two four star assignments to complete the requirement. I found my first four star assignment, but was at a loss for the second one. There are very few four and five star assignments for the assignment bank. It ultimately leads me to pick the lesser of the two evils. I enjoyed my first assignment bank. It was to create a Buzzfeed quiz. We didn’t have to incorporate our theme into anything this week, so I took it upon myself to make a quiz about what secret agent the viewer would be. I am very familiar with Buzzfeed and their quizzes, so this proved to be very easy. After around twenty minutes, I had my completed quiz, and I was excited that I was able to incorporate our theme! My second assignment bank was the one where I picked the lesser of the two evils. I knew I wanted to do two four star assignments, so doing anything less wasn’t an option. The assignment I chose was to create a creepy story on reddit. This assignment intimidated me as I had never used reddit. It was pretty self explanatory and the hardest part was writing the story itself. I was quite pleased with the outcome, and it allowed me to be creative, which I really enjoyed. Then we had to chose a 4 to 5 star assignment to revisit and redo. I chose an assignment I did quite a while ago where I told a movies using GIFs. I remembered really liking this assignment, so I was excited to do it again. I thought about doing a spy movie, but realized I hadn’t seen any recently, and didn’t want to mess up the storyline. So I chose Bird Box. This movie was greatly popular a few months ago when it came out, and I remember it being a great movie. I brought up Netflix to skip through and rejog my memory. Then I just wrote up the synopsis and added GIFs to complete it. Then we had to do our favorite posts of the week. I actually really love doing this. I’m quite bad at commenting, so this forces me to remember to comment while spending the time to explore and find great posts. It essentially kills two birds with one stone. This is one of my favorite things we do in the class. I also love how after everyone has submitted it, Professor Bond shows who had the winning post. I think it’s a great idea to help us strive to want to constantly put out amazing posts and work. AND WITH THAT WEEK NINE IS COMPLETE!!!
  8. @tiffmooree

    Web Storytelling

    This assignment intimidated me. I thought this would require a lot more work than I was cut out for. There have been some assignments I am not skilled with, and I definitely thought this would be one of them. I brushed it off until it was the last thi...
  9. @tiffmooree

    Connecting Daily Creates

    For one of our assignments we had to do our typical daily creates, but we had to connect them all. I thought this would be quite difficult, as many of them are about completely separate topics. I did the first two and realized I had no idea how to connect them. Then I realized that I had done things that I wish that I had. I wish I had a heart to love doing homework and I wish I had a hairless cat. My last assignment bank was now simple. We had to create a top trump, and I decided to do a degree from UMW. I want a degree from UMW more than anything. With all of them done, I can safely now say that they all connect in that they are things that I want and do not have. Finding a way to connect them was a lot easier than I thought, and I did it subconsciously. I enjoyed doing this. Normally we just do the daily creates and that’s it. Adding another element to it and having to think more about what we are posting made it become less repetitive and more interesting. I really enjoyed doing this! Check out my tweets:
  10. @tiffmooree

    Assignment Bank #2

    My next assignment was one I wasn’t very excited to do. I was looking for two four star assignments to complete the eight star requirement and this one seemed the most interesting to me. I have never used reddit and I am highly unfamiliar with it. First, I made an account. Then I was able to make a post. The assignment was to make a creepy story, and I had one in mind. A few years ago, my brother snuck out with his friends and called me saying he has just saw slenderman. I freaked out and ended up having a panic attack on my floor. There is nothing worse than hearing your greatest nightmare is a real thing. It was later revealed, however, it was just my brothers friends playing a prank on him. His friend had dressed up in a suit and was dropped off on the route their car would be taking. I chose to interpret this into a creepy story, and made it so that it would be just my brother and I actually encountering the real slenderman. After I wrote my story, I picked a community to categorize it under and I posted it. The website is very user friendly and easy to navigate. This assignment wasn’t necessarily hard, but it did take quite a while to complete due to the writing aspect. I would rate it 4 stars because of this. Check out my story and leave me a comment on if you liked it or not!
  11. @tiffmooree

    Radio Shows

    I really enjoyed listening to everyones radio shows. I knew this would be of interest to me because I love listening to podcasts. I listen to true crime podcasts a majority of when I’m driving and walking around campus. I was interested to see e...
  12. @tiffmooree

    Revisiting My Work

    For this assignment, we were supposed to go through our past work and recreate one. I chose to do the assignment bank where we had to tell the story of a movie with GIFS. This assignment, at first, caused me quite a bit of trouble. I remember wanting to create a barcode with hundreds of screenshots of a movie from the internet. This time around, I believe this assignment will be a lot easier. I feel like I have really gotten the hold of this class, and I couldn’t be more excited about that fact. This assignment is 5 stars. I do not think it is that difficult, however. There are many 5 star assignments that deserve the ranking, but I do not think this is one of them. I think this assignment is one of the most fun ones I’ve ever done, so I was exited to be able to redo it. Here is my original post: And without further ado, here is my new reworked assignment: This will be Bird Box told in GIFS: The movies starts off with a woman, Malorie, painting in her apartment. Her sister, Jessica, comes to take her to her appointment to check the well-being of her intended baby. They leave and set off for the doctors appointment. Everything seems to be going smoothly. The doctor talks to Malorie about her other options regarding the baby. Malorie shows signs of not wanting the baby, as she will be the only parent. Adoption is regarded as an option, and she is told to think about it. As they are leaving, things start to turn sour. They see a woman slamming her head against a glass pane. They rush to their car, and begin the drive home. However, things start to dramatically decline. People all over the streets are beginning to act crazy. There are constant car accidents, people acting possessed, and terror throughout the community. Then, Jessica starts to act the same way.. Jessica then begins to freak out, and ultimately crash the car. She proceeds to get out of the vehicle, look at her sister, and get hit by an incoming car. Malorie gets out of the car, and people from a nearby house save her and let her in. In this house, many things happen. They are stalled up for quite a while. The owner is very bitter, another pregnant woman enters the house, they leave to get supplies and encounter the thing that is basically possessing people quite a lot. Finally, a man enters the house, who eventually kills all but Malorie, Malories love interest Tom, and two children. One being her own child, and one being the other pregnant woman’s. Malorie then sets off on a journey across a body of water with deathly rapids. It is proven that you have to see a specific thing to be possessed, so blindfolds are a key to survival throughout the movie. It is then revealed that Tom is killed, in order to save Malorie and the two children. After many hard decisions, near death experiences, and struggles, they arrive to their destination. It is a school for the blind, where they are said to be safe. They take off their blindfolds, and begin their new life. This assignment was just as easy as I remembered it being. In order to complete it, all I had to do was type into google “Bird Box GIFS” and pick the ones I wanted to use. Every now and then I would type in a key word after to refine the search. I found almost every GIF I wanted (besides one) and then I just put it in this post and added a synopsis to each. I love being able to create a short synopsis while also bringing some live to it with GIFs.

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