Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92861 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @morgan_ds106

    One of the Best Digital Tools for Students!

    For my first web assignment of the week, I was tasked with finding an easy to use, digital tool online and give a brief tutorial about it. I am choosing to talk about Quizlet! Quizlet is a free platform that offers so many different study tools. Users can go and create study lists like vocab …

    Continue reading "One of the Best Digital Tools for Students!"

  2. @JasmineAlanis2

    Weekly Summary #8

    This week my group (Rogue Agents) met for the first time, planned out our radio show, recorded, and finished a day early! This has been quite the week, so let’s dive a little deeper! Daily Creates As I have stated before, daily creates are my absolute favorite. They allow me to be creative and are
  3. @tiffmooree

    Weekly Summary 3/17/19

    This week was honestly quite simple. I prefer to have one large thing to do, rather than a bunch of small things. The radio show allowed me to solely focus on one thing and not have to stress about getting quite a few assignments done, like we normally have for the class. I think this week was a great way to come back after break! First, I wrote about my progress with my radio show for this week. This was a super easy task, and the words were just flowing out of me. My group has been absolutely amazing and I hope to work with them many times this semester. We all worked so well together, and we were able to get everything done on time. There is nothing worse than having a group where everyone has to pick up another persons slack, but we had no problems of the sort. Everyone worked hard and got their work done, and we’re almost done before the due date! Next is commenting. I’m writing this a bit early, and because of this I haven’t done any commenting yet. However, since a majority of everything is done, I can see myself commenting everyday this week! I set up an alarm on my phone like I said I would in order to ensure I do this too! As soon as I finish this post I am going to go and start commenting. 🙂 2 Daily Creates: Here ladies and gentlemen, is our radio show!!!!! Give it a listen 🙂 and with that…. WEEK 8 IS FINISHED! I hope you all love the radio show, and leave me a comment of what y’all think!
  4. riverakat

    Portrait of Alfonsina Storni

    We got to use Photoshop again this week! I chose the multiple face portrait from the ds106 website. I chose Alfonsina Storni the late Argentine poet as the subject for the averaged portrait. I learned about her writing at York in my Spanish 106 class. She published her most acclaimed work El dulce daño in … Continue reading "Portrait of Alfonsina Storni"

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