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  1. @fatolliecat

    Radio Show Week 2

    It’s DONE! Yay! I had a fun time doing the show. It was nice interacting with the group, and developing our characters. Script writing was a bit like pulling teeth, but I get that. A lot of things really came together kinda late in the game as we were writing (the premise of the group,…
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  2. @FCMaisano

    Radio Show Week 2-It’s a Wrap!

    For Week 2, there was less decision-making between the whole group and more individual work, since our parts were individual stories, bumpers, and commercials. The only thing we really decided on this week was that to have an intro before each story to explain a little bit about it and our characters beforehand. Over the […]
  3. @FCMaisano

    Creating My Radio Show Story

    So, this technically isn’t an assignment for this week, but I do want to talk about my radio show story. It’ll make things easier when I have to write my Weekly Summary. I don’t have my radio story linked, though it is on SoundCloud, because I want everyone to hear it when listening to our […]
  4. @fatolliecat

    Week 7(?)

    Preeeeetty sure this is week 7. Anyways, we got put together in groups. I like the challenge of random chance. I play mystery heroes almost exclusively in Overwatch. Makes you stretch the proverbial muscles. We have an idea (I think it’s really great), we’ll right the script over the next few days, and we’ll record…
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  5. @FCMaisano

    A Conversational Start!

    So, I will admit-I was quite confused and unsure about the radio thing! I was waiting for others to star getting into groups and start looking for groups, so I could hop in! I ended up in a group of seven people! With seven of us in the group, it takes a little bit of […]
  6. @richelleholnick

    Daily Creates Week 7

    #tdc2463 #ds106 it's that spooky time of year! — Richelle Holnick (@RichelleHolnick) October 10, 2018 This was funny and silly, I found the photo my chance and it just seemed to me like they were doing the Thriller dance. Plus, it’s October, so it fits very well! Worst job ever? Being a waitress, people are routinely rude to you, it's high stress, and a lot of people are terrible tippers! #tdc2465 #ds106 — Richelle Holnick (@RichelleHolnick) October 11, 2018 What’s the worst job ever? Waitressing. Maybe that’s an exaggeration, but it’s such a common job, but a lot of people do not look fondly back on their years of waitressing because of all of the problems associated with it.

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