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  1. teresa

    8 Steps of the Scientific Method You Need to Know


    The 8 steps of the scientific method are a step-by-step method of inquiry.  They provide a logical blueprint for scientists to test their questions in a structured way. Valid and logical conclusions are the result. Scientists are looking for cause and effect relationships.  Their educated guess or hypothesis  can be supported, partly supported or rejected by their experiment.  So what are these 8 steps of the scientific method?

    The post 8 Steps of the Scientific Method You Need to Know appeared first on Science Alcove.

  2. Antonio Vantaggiato

    Teaching, Learning–and Studying: The Road Less Traveled.

    Flickr photo by Michael Hall. CC-Licensed BY-NC-SA.

    A book review on reminds me of a singular issue in the teaching & learning community: Studying, the road less traveled. In it, studying is compared to a sort of rebel passion. Studying is disappearing, writes Paola Mastrocola, author of the … Continue reading

    The post Teaching, Learning–and Studying: The Road Less Traveled. appeared first on Skate of the web.

  3. teresa

    Tracking Your Micro credentials – Courses and Workshops beyond your Degree or Diploma


    Tracking your micro credentials is vital in today's competitive job market. Resumes and cover letters need those keywords to get you noticed. There are dozens of on-line learning opportunities - both free and paid. I urge you to explore what's out there and start keeping track of those micro credentials.

    The post Tracking Your Micro credentials – Courses and Workshops beyond your Degree or Diploma appeared first on Science Alcove.

  4. Antonio Vantaggiato

    Talking about Learning Spaces with #edu646

    Flickr photo by Loozrboy. CC-Licensed.

    I love my graduate class #edu646 (Design of Learning Environments), which I’m doing with a small number of great students. Yesterday’s class was intriguing since we had one student on a Hangout from NY, while the other two and myself  stayed … Continue reading

    The post Talking about Learning Spaces with #edu646 appeared first on Skate of the web.

  5. Antonio Vantaggiato

    A case of a lost tape, the Puerto Rico Connection podcast, and a lot of #care4sagrado from the Far East

    Flickr photo by Antonio Vantaggiato. CC-Licensed, BY.

    Damn, Alan got there first, once again. We had forgotten all about that tape, but before everything went sour he recovered the recording from January 1st, and this time at last & at least I did some work on TapeWrite … Continue reading

    The post A case of a lost tape, the Puerto Rico Connection podcast, and a lot of #care4sagrado from the Far East appeared first on Skate of the web.

  6. @marcuselliott

    11 handy tips for student blogging


    I received these tweets the other day: Our students might choose to do a law blog for their 1st seminar w me + @MrsGingerLawyer Tips on what makes a good blog? Pls use #lawtalk16 — Dr Steven Vaughan (@lawvaughan) October 1, 2016 @marcuselliott @KerryPinny would love any tips for our law students! New module exploring […]

    The post 11 handy tips for student blogging appeared first on It's probably just ME.

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