Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92934 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @HumIsDum

    Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem – Journal #2

    by Thomas Pulsifer My playthrough of Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem continues, and things are starting to heat up. I started this session by beginning Chapter 3 – Suspicions of Conspiracy. In this chapter, you once again play as a new character in a different time period. This time, you take control of Anthony, a messengerContinue reading "Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem – Journal #2"
  2. @SushiSupport

    Ted Talk? A post where I explain why I haven’t been posting and rant about life.

    We are now in week 10 of the semester, or maybe week 11, I’m not too sure anymore, it could be week 9. However long it has been, this has been the hardest semester of my college career. I probably said the same thing last semester, and it isn’t because the classes are become more… Continue reading Ted Talk? A post where I explain why I haven’t been posting and rant about life.
  3. @MasonOberle

    Daily Creates for Week 11


    Time to share another round of Daily Creates. The first one I completed required me to show what the three horsemen of the learning apocalypse (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt) looked like. I took a few screenshots of my Canvas page and edited them together in Procreate to demonstrate how these concepts permeate the learning space […]

    The post Daily Creates for Week 11 appeared first on The Oberle Archive.

  4. @MasonOberle

    The Batman Silent Trailer


    For my first assignment of the week, I decided to try my hand at creating a silent film version of a recently released movie trailer. One of the trailers that struck me the most in the past few months was for the film The Batman starring Robert Pattinson. This trailer already had a heavy noire […]

    The post The Batman Silent Trailer appeared first on The Oberle Archive.

  5. Downes


    November 2, 2021. This is milkweed in the back yard. I added an extension to the bird feeder pole and was instantly rewarded with greater interest on the part of the chickadees. Also brought in the Halloween decorations. Recorded a couple more videos f...
  6. Downes


    Novmver 1, 2021. Yes, it's another photo of Charlemagne on the shelf after having been rescued from the ledge in the basement. Busy day starting up week 4 of the course, recording videos and getting content ready. Had trouble with one video - first I g...
  7. paul bond

    Fab Freddie

    I found another artist working in a remix/mashup vein, going by the handle Stuff_by_Mark: Killer Queen. A stupid drawing by a stupid man. — Stuff_By_Mark (@The_Ren1981) October 29, 2021 He may have thought this Freddy/Freddie mashup was stupid, but … Continue reading ?
  8. @Katie___Donovan

    Assignment Bank week 10

    I created short videos with three shots from Avengers: Infinity War. I replaced the middle shot to give each video a different meaning. I always thought Peter’s reaction was funny, so I decided to replace the original clip with another scene. In this scene, Thor was talked about in the totally opposite way.

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