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  1. @CadillacezMedia


    熊猫娱乐客户端- 新华网深圳4月1日电(记者毛思谦)记者从深圳地铁集团获悉,深圳地铁建设在严防疫情蔓延的同时,稳步推进复产。目前,在建的14条线路已全部恢复。根据规划,深圳地铁年内将开通6条线路,运...
  2. @CadillacezMedia


    熊猫娱乐app官方下载- 新华网澳门4月1日电(记者郭鑫)澳门特区卫生局疾病预防控制中心31日从镜湖医院接获一起军团病报告。病人为84岁男性澳门居民,有长期慢性病史。据介绍,患者于3月26日出现胸闷...
  3. @CadillacezMedia


    熊猫娱乐客户端- 市政府,微博,新型冠状病毒肺炎,上海,4月1日,根据市政府新闻办公室官方微博新闻,4月1日香港市4月1日卫生保护委员会公告,截至3月31日,通过联合防务联合控制机制报告了7至24例...
  4. @CadillacezMedia


    熊猫娱乐app- 首批4名接受新皇冠疫苗的志愿者于3月31日完成隔离,回家后“一切正常”。3月16日晚,首批接受新皇冠疫苗的4名志愿者完成隔离,返回家园。离开武汉特勤疗养院前,4名志愿者按计划再次采...
  5. @CadillacezMedia


    熊猫娱乐app- 中新网4月1日电据中国驻北京大使馆网站消息,1日在中国印尼爆发的新型冠状病毒肺炎在东南亚也较为严重。中国驻印尼大使馆紧跟当地疫情发展,全力帮助中国公民。在这里,大使馆的新型冠状病毒...
  6. @CadillacezMedia


    熊猫娱乐app- 新华网石家庄4月1日电(李阳于世强)1日,河北省公安厅交通管理局表示,清明节临近,交通安全风险加大,将动用各交警执法站,严查酒后驾驶、三超一疲劳及涉牌严重违法行为,坚决消除安全隐患...
  7. @CadillacezMedia


    熊猫娱乐app官方下载- 习近平总书记30日视察浙江安吉村,与村民亲切交谈,了解该村多年来的美丽风光。15年来,“绿水青山是金山银山”理念的实践成果特别引人关注。从于村试点到国家实践,“两山论”一次...
  8. Downes


    March 30, 2020. A sump is a hole in a basement to catch water. You use a sump pump to remove that water. When the sump pump fails, you get basement water. When it happens during a pandemic, nobody responds to your calls. This little Canadian Tire repla...
  9. @IngrahamAllison


    #tdc3000 #ds106 My heart and writing looks awful but you know what I mean #StressfulTimes— allison ingraham (@IngrahamAllison) March 30, 2020
  10. @missgoofyxx

    Letting my Grade Slip

    I have been doing my best to keep up in school with all the changes happening, but I’ve allowed myself to fall behind in this class due to my grade in others. That isn’t a good solution and I’ve decided to spend as much time as possible changing that and catching up. Here’s to that. […]
  11. @missgoofyxx

    Listening in on You

    The only radio show I had the time to tune in for was a late night one after I put my daughter to sleep. It was about Social Media being integrated into events that occurred in the 80s. I found the concept was original and the format they used was pretty neat. As opposed to […]
  12. @madelinek106

    Digital Archeology Project

    My timeline goes through the lived history of my iPhone 4s. This was my first ever phone and iPhone, so I had a lot of memories with it. While we were still in school and on online class I was looking forward to taking apart an old childrenā€™s tablet with my group. I was not able to deconstruct [ā€¦]
  13. @madelinek106

    Week 2 online update

    I thought week 2 would be less stressful than week one, but it was not. With a paper, and an exam, and 3 other modules due on Friday, I was overwhelmed with the amount of work I had to do. Not being able to work with the professors in class is really hard. It is all on your [ā€¦]
  14. Downes


    March 28, 2020. First thing this morning we took the kittens for their booster shots. Then I cleaned out the bird feeder and stocked it up again. Also, we went into the city for prescriptions. Also, went to the Pet Valu for kitten toys and scratch pads...
  15. Downes

    Whissell Creek

    March 27, 2020. I took a short lunch-hour ride to St.Albert and back; this is Whissell Creek where it crosses Guerin Road just north of St. Albert. Spent some time this morning documenting my Covid-related work for the purpose of obtaining proper time ...

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