Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92934 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @CarbonCarmen725

    6th Weekly Summary

    This week was fun to create but it took me longer to come up with the themes of my assignments. Throughout all the assignments, picking the right images was the most time consuming and difficult to choose from. I thoroughly enjoy anything to do with image editing though I am pretty bad it. Hopefully I Read More
  2. @Maeve_ds106

    Week Six!

    Week six is now done! This week was ‘design week.’ It was a lot of fun! I really enjoyed being able to continue to work with expanding my familiarity with Photoshop for my Assignment Back projects. I learned a lot about graphic design, which was also a lot of fun. It reminded me of my […]
  3. @sincerelysterls

    Ride Along Computer Cowboy

    Title inspired by Neil Young’s “Computer Cowboy” (1983). One of the assignments I chose to do was Laptop Lingo by Lauren Brumfield. The description is as follows: “I know some of us (myself included) are a bit particular about the looks/cleanliness of our technology. But if that didn’t matter, and you had all of the … Continue reading "Ride Along Computer Cowboy"
  4. @Maeve_ds106

    Graphic Design

    When I first read the Chip Kidd piece I was reminded of my high school Humanities course and where we talked extensively about style and design, especially in regards to art. We even took a trip to the Virginia Fine Arts Museum (if you haven’t been, I highly recommend!). I quick realized what Professor Bond […]
  5. @Maeve_ds106


    This week we were asked to complete a DesignBlitz were we took pictures of different design concepts we found in our everyday lives. I decided to complete the challenge in non other than Target (where I spend way too much time 😂). It didn’t take much time to see design concepts all around. Color Minimalism/Use […]
  6. @kmaproductionss

    Thoughts on Design

    After reading the book and the articles it made me pay attention to the finer details of all designs. I have always subconsciously made opinions on ads, logos, signs and paintings. Now I know it is because of colors or the underlying messages incorporated in the design. I have a new appreciation for people’s designsRead more

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