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  1. @PabloMccrimmon


    For my final visual assignment, I Forrest Gumped myself into a historical scene. The comedian Norm MacDonald died recently, and one of his most famous comedic legacies was endlessly mocking OJ Simpson and his infamous murder trial while on SNL. As a result, the first historical scene that popped into my mind was OJ Simpson’s […]
  2. @sincerelysterls

    Marty McFly, Guitar Hero

    Hello, and welcome back to my blog! This assignment is called “The Forest Gump Project” by Bill Genereux. It is worth 3.5 stars and contains the description: “Good ole’ Forrest Gump. He always manages to find himself at the center of history, and using photo editing software, so can you. Find a historic photograph and … Continue reading "Marty McFly, Guitar Hero"
  3. @samprice_ds106

    The Forest Gump Photo

    I love using photoshop, and especially when it involves photoshopping myself into photos so I was excited for this assignment. When I was looking for a picuture to photoshop myslef I found two I really liked so I decided to use both. The first one was a picture of President Kennedy with his wife. I chose this one because it was an older photo and I wanted to challenge myself to be able to edit my picture to match the old photo. To achieve this I put a black and white filter on the photo and then increased the “grain” […]

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