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  1. @wade_764

    This was a fun little diversion!

    I had a good chuckle reading the description for this assignment! Editing software is a little frustrating, but I know that it is part of the process of learning!For this assignment, I was told not to use editing software and to take a panoramic picture instead with a cell phone. I luckily had a friend at school today willing to help me out! So we went to the UC!The provided guide was helpful, but unfortunately, it was for an iPhone. As it turned out, my friend has one, so he saved me twice today! I am always amazed at how…
  2. @jclark22umw

    My Greatest Friend and Worst Enemy


    Spoiler alert… It’s myself. For this assignment, the instructions say to set up the panorama affect on your phone and move to be in your picture multiple times. I had my mom hold my phone for the panorama shot. Once the frame was completely off me, I ran around the opposite way of where she […]

    The post My Greatest Friend and Worst Enemy appeared first on Digital Storytelling with Jordan.

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