Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92929 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @skyler0455

    week ten summary!

    This week was busy! I did a video essay on a movie scene to incorporate some elements we learned this week. For my ten stars of video assignments, I made a video poem where I read a poem over a movie scene, and worked this assignment in a different way into the software angel assignment, […]
  2. @skyler0455

    project ideas round two

    I really liked Kendra’s idea of making a podcast about the different areas of creativity you can develop in ds106. I think it would be interesting to talk through some of the skills learned and medias we used in class, and this would be a great way to share with prospective students what they can […]
  3. @skyler0455


    For this assignment, I combined this Software Angel assignment: “For this assignment, you have to pay it forward SOFTWARE EDITION. In this class, we’ve had to use a lot of softwares to complete many assignments, so pick one that you love using and make a quick video for it. This way, other DS106 students in […]
  4. @skyler0455

    video poem

    Have a favorite poem? Record yourself reading out loud and set it to a related video (favorite episode clips or movie clips, animate something, the choice is yours!) For this assignment, I chose the poem, “I am too alone” by Rainer Rilke which I found through a novel I read. And I used a […]
  5. @skyler0455

    video essay

    Here is my video essay! I used a scene from the Titanic. I used to make this video, which is free and not too complicated to learn how to use. It was interesting to try to find some of the techniques in this scene.
  6. @grace_long88

    Golden Girls

    My roommate and I are currently watching Golden Girls together and when I was learning about video editing I thought this would be a great show to use for my video essay. Also Bob Ross was from Florida and Golden Girls is set in Florida so it connected to the
  7. @grace_long88

    More Project Ideas

    Reading through everyone’s project ideas was very inspirational. Everyone had great ideas and I am excited to see how they turn out. The first idea that really stood out to me was Carrie’s. She talked about how overcoming obstacles and achievements can tell a great story. I think this could
  8. @mgedney

    project ideas x2

    After posting my first project proposal, I wished I had looked at some of my classmates’ ideas for inspiration! I had come up with one idea I could go many ways with, but people had whole lists of ideas. After reading them, I considered doing something more music related or
  9. @Sam_ara106

    Analyzing What Cameras Do

    As I read How to Read a Movie, I thought some of the things Ebert listed, such as the left side being seen as negative and the downward or upward angle of the camera, would not be evident in any movies. However, I was proven wrong, especially in the scene I chose to analyze later on. […]

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