1. scottc1094

    The Dark Knight Chipmunk Style

    Assignment (3 stars) For this assignment, we had to take a clip from a film and edit the audio in some way. I chose to edit a scene from the Dark Knight, as this is Edward Creeper’s favorite movie of all time. This scene is pretty classic, so I would assume most people have at… Read More
  2. mmiranda

    Purpose in life in a Poem

    @ds106dc #tdc1397 pic.twitter.com/tuaNLKxP9T — melissa (@melissam88273) November 5, 2015 We have to create a poem about our purpose of life.  Because twitter does not support long text and I was near a computer I did a quick typing and took a photo. then I load it to twitter. )
  3. scottc1094

    Week 11 Daily Creates

    This week I completed three daily creates. I took a filtered selfie, @ds106dc #tdc1395 My filtered selfie #ds106 pic.twitter.com/olkyBRZlzW — Scott Clower (@scottc1094) November 4, 2015 wrote a six-line poem, @ds106dc #tdc1397 To live life is to find happiness to form relationships to explore the world but most importantly to love yourself — Scott Clower (@scottc1094) November 5,… Read More
  4. scottc1094

    Week 11 Comments

    This week I commented on 10 different posts from ds106: http://mikesspookyds106.com/video-assignments/spooksography-videoassignments1847-4-stars/ http://kaitlinmarie.net/assignments/video/toby-a-dogumentary/ http://theaaronadventure.com/assignments/squ...
  5. gabatron15

    Weekly Summary Week 11

      Daily Create Video Assignments: Dear Sixteen Year Old Me Favorite Actor Highlight Reel Mini Documentary Poem Drive What do I love?   Comments: http://anzirp.com/assignment-bank/blairs-healthy-meal/#comment-551 http://anzirp.com/assignment-...
  6. gabatron15

    The Daily Creates

    Sidewalk Art #tdc1394 @ds106dc pic.twitter.com/cj2T0AXuyo — Gabby Christie (@christie_gabby) November 2, 2015 The first daily create I did this week was to make art out of sidewalk that was cracked up. I took the image that was already online and then used paint to create this sea image. It was fun to do because there […]
  7. gabatron15

    What do I love?

    This is a Video Assignment and its worth 3 and a half stars. For this assignment I used my host character to shed a light on what she loves which is her job of being the one to be there for their last breath. She enjoys the fear and the darkness that comes to her […]
  8. gabatron15

    Poem Drive

    This is a Video Assignment and its worth 4 stars. This assignment was to take a video of a natural setting and then record yourself reading a poem or a story that would kind of resemble the scenery that you are in. I chose to use my host character again in this assignment and for […]
  9. gabatron15

    Mini Documentary

    This is a Video Assignment worth 4 stars. This assignment had the opportunity to follow someone and to highlight their life. I put a twist to my documentary and used my host character The Death Whisperer as the main character to follow. The challenge of this is that she is no where to be scene. […]
  10. gabatron15

    Favorite Actor Highlight Reel

    This is a Video Assignment and its worth 4 stars. This assignment was to take your favorite actor or actress and take a minimum of 30 seconds of your favorite scenes. I chose Tyler Perry because not only does he act as 3 characters in his films/plays but he is also brings out the characters […]
  11. kmgeckle

    Juliet Doherty Highlights 2015

    When I came across this assignment I figured what better way to show off a dancer who both my my host character and I look up to, Juliet Doherty! Juliet Doherty is one of my favorite ballerinas out there, and she’s extremely...
  12. jamerive

    Selfie Story

    A day in the life of Victor: a rare glimpse, indeed. Little did anyone know that Victor was a student (or that he was so photogenic)! I used snapchat to save the images to my phone and caption them, then transferred the images to my laptop and inserted them into Windows Movie Maker. From there, … Continue reading Selfie Story
  13. jamerive


    I decided to try my hand at lip-syncing to my favorite song: What You Know by Two Door Cinema Club. I used Windows Movie Maker to record both audio and video and YouTube provided the audio.   Enjoy!
  14. nforknal

    How To Chipmunk

    Don’t know how to complete the Chipmunk Style assignment? Look no further! Here is your step by step guide to creating and completing this assignment! You can also view my original post about this assignment and see the finished product!... Continue Reading →
  15. kmgeckle

    Toby: A Dogumentary

    Yes, yes you did just read that title correctly. I decided to think a little out of the box for this one. When I read the assignment I had one person on my mind that I thought would fit the...
  16. scottc1094

    I am Edward

    Assignment (4.5 stars) For this assignment, I made a video representing who my character, Edward Creeper, is. To complete this assignment, I first brainstormed what kind of interests Edward Creeper has, and found some pictures on Google that corresponded with them. I downloaded all of these images into iMovie, and spaced them out. I added… Read More
  17. myoung3

    Spooksy Goes To The Bathroom (VideoAssignments1159 5 Stars)

    When I started writing the script for this assignment, I was having a conversation with myself, like the assignment intended.  When thinking about the challenges associated with the filming I said to myself, it would be easier if I had my girlfriend read one part, why didn’t I think of that before?  I wrote the … Continue reading Spooksy Goes To The Bathroom (VideoAssignments1159 5 Stars)
  18. scottc1094

    Redskins Pump-up Video

    Assignment (4.5 stars) For this assignment, I made a video using different highlights from the Washington Redskins. To complete this assignment, I first found several different videos on YouTube that had the clips I used above. I then used a Youtube converter to download them into iMovie. I then found this song, that I thought went… Read More

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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