1. kmgeckle

    Comments Week 8

    http://ds106.emorelleum.com/dc/a-day-in-the-life-of-a-luckier-version-of-myself/#comment-115 http://assilemarim.net/thoughts-and-ideas/radio-show-week-2-progress/#comment-743 https://studentx7.wordpress.com/2015/10/14/daily-create-unit-2/comment-page-...
  2. scottc1094

    Week 8 Daily Creates

    This week I completed 3 daily creates. They included, One Word Poem: @ds106dc Beauty is in the world all around us, but passes us by unless we stop and stare. #tdc1374 — Scott Clower (@scottc1094) October 14, 2015 Bad Habits are Good for You: @ds106dc #tdc1375 I'm a bit unorganized pic.twitter.com/DkruW3YAjn — Scott Clower (@scottc1094)… Read More
  3. kmgeckle

    Radio Show Progress Week 2!

    I’m so glad this week is over! I’m sure my group got a little frustrated with me this week. I spent the whole weekend in Cass, West Virginia with no cell service or wifi! Fortunately I didn’t miss much. However,...
  4. myoung3

    The Summarator

    This is going to be a pretty short summary, since I covered the bulk of this weeks thoughts in the radio show post.  Working with a group went well, I’ve had some bad experiences, but this definitely wasn’t one of them, and I hope they can say the same about me.  As you might notice … Continue reading The Summarator
  5. feliciads106

    Radio Show Progress

    Our Radio Group: Scott, Felicia, Rebecca, and Ellen did a great job. We planned out the schedule and workload at last week’s meeting and posted it on Google docs. Everybody in our group is very efficient by following the schedule and working cooperatively together. Everyone in our group recorded their own parts and emailed the […]
  6. jamerive

    Radio Show Progress, part 2 (there isn’t a part one?!)

    Hello again, everyone. As you may or may not have noticed, I’ve been out of commission for a little while! But fear not, I’m back and in full force. Last week me and my faithful group members (Nora, Aaron, and Kathi) worked hard on organizing everything for our group project. Our first meeting was relatively … Continue reading Radio Show Progress, part 2 (there isn’t a part one?!)
  7. cherishamari

    Radio show progress part 2

    We finally got to the one assignment I’ve been dreading creating a radio show. At this point were just editing and combining everybodys piece together. Thankfully Michael took on that task, because it would be terrible if I did it. For us it was a little hard since none of can meet so everything was […]
  8. cherishamari

    More comments

    This week we were still asked to comment on at least 10 posts, and link those comments like last week. Assilemarim – “Radio show week 2” Gabbing Gabbi – “Weekly Summary Week 7” Almost a square -” A day in the life of a luckier version than me” Insane clown murderer safe zone for kids- […]
  9. emorelleum

    A day in the life of a luckier version of myself

    9:00am: Alarm is blaring. Remembering the weather reports, I peek out the blinds (without leaving my covers, mind you). The parking lot is covered in sheet ice. I put my head back on my pillow and go back to sleep. 11:00am: after much yawning, stretching, and internal dialogue, I finally conclude it would be wise […]
  10. stephenodunayo


    Welcome to my blog about creativity and social media storytelling. This blog documents my journey through the SMPds106 course as part of the TECH2002_16 Social media Production module at De Montfort University, Leicester, UK. Hoping by practising my creativity with social media that I will become more creative – that’s the theory anyway!
  11. gcaron

    Weekly Summary Week 7

    This week I thought would be better because of the light work but it wasn’t the easiest. Getting things figured out with my group was proabably the hardest part but I think things are moving along. I was not able to do any audio assignments because I had to work on someone else’somputer but I […]
  12. gcaron

    Bumper Sticker for Radio Show

    I made this promo for our Radio Show. We do not have a name picked out yet but with our idea, it works without a name right now. For our radio show, we are having listeners come on the air and tell personal ghost stories so the phrase, “What Will you Have to Tell?” works […]
  13. gcaron

    Radio Show Week 1

    This week has been going pretty well I think with my group. We have been emailing back and forth and have a Google Doc going. We all seem to have an agreement about what we want the radio show to be about and what we are going to do, I’m not sure if we have […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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