1. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Weekly Summary

    I was kind of dreading the topic of this week. As I mentioned in my previous posts I absolutely hate how my voice sounds when listening back on videos / audio. It took me awhile to pick a few assignments from the assignment bank just for the simple fact that I didn’t want to talk, […]
  2. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Radio show idea?

    Creating different radio show topics is rather quite hard for me. I am not the type of person to think of a random idea and come up with a thousand different creative ways to talk about different things. I am more of the type of person that if you give me a topic to write […]
  3. emorelleum

    Withdraw and Entrances

    (A man in a suit, fedora, holding a large hatchet as a cane stands before you) Good Evening. As you may have realized from my last appearance, the usual writer of this blog is…not present. As he has decided to shirk his responsibility for this post, I have taken the…liberty of filling in for him. […]
  4. adyke

    Radio Show Idea

    For my radio show I would want to do a variation of a classic youtube video from Derrick Comedy called “WQXR The Cool Breeze” where the radio hosts are actually held hostage by a super intelligent wolf. It is a good comedy sketch but I feel it fits the theme really well. In my radio … Continue reading Radio Show Idea
  5. kmgeckle

    Dramatically Britney

    I got really excited when I saw this assignment! It looked super fun, and super silly! Basically, I had to take a fun song, record myself speaking the lyrics super seriously, then put it on top of instrumental music to...
  6. scottc1094

    Edward’s Humble Abode

    Assignment This scene depicts what my horror character Edward hears outside of his manor every day. As you can tell, it sounds like a peaceful and relaxing place to live, but it may be a totally different story as to what lies inside. For this assignment, we had to create a story using at least… Read More
  7. gabatron15

    Story without Voices

    This is an audio assignment worth 3 and 1/2 stars and the task was to make a story only using sound effects. I had a blast doing this and I thought I would do a story that would pertain to the theme of this class. I hope you enjoy!
  8. emorelleum

    Morlium Presents: The Loop of Destruction

    Good Evening. The usual writer of this blog is…otherwise detained. Because he has seen fit to shirk from his duties and responsibilities, I have decided to…borrow his reputation to present to you that which is…disturbing to a twisted mind. A man wandering through the woods of time and space sees many things. From the moments […]
  9. cherishamari

    Moon Graffiti

    Listening to “Moon Graffiti” allowed me to actually hear and understand the importance of audio. I really liked the combination of the different sounds in the beginning it sounded extremely realistic. The tone of their voices along with the background noise truly set the scene. As Johnathan began talking the background music changed, yet it […]
  10. braze

    Audio Storytelling

    Overall, I have enjoyed combining different sounds to create a story. I’m not accustomed to using, or just hearing, audio since I watch a lot of TV and movies. Audio really is the basic building block for any type of animated storytelling. After listening to “Moon Graffiti” I felt like I was on the moon … Continue reading Audio Storytelling
  11. gabatron15

    Juxtapose old and new

    Optimus Prime is ready for battle. @ds106dc #tdc1355 pic.twitter.com/1qPg9bV45Y — Gabby Christie (@christie_gabby) September 25, 2015 This daily create required me to take a old Japanese or Chinese painting and add something advanced like an iPhone or a laptop. I chose to do something that is far ahead both of those and decided to put […]
  12. gabatron15

    Abbey Road

    Captain America and Hawkeye taking a daily hero stroll across the street @ds106dc #tdc1353 pic.twitter.com/NYhZ6rIUst — Gabby Christie (@christie_gabby) September 23, 2015 For this Daily Create I had the opportunity to choose who I would want to cross abbey road versus the Beatles. Since I am a huge super hero fan I thought it would […]
  13. gabatron15

    “Last Laugh”

    If I had to choose any pages of the story it would have to be the last page because so much is revealed and there could have been so many sounds. The first would be the kid running to his mother and you could have him yelling and the sound of him running. Then there […]
  14. gabatron15

    The Effect of Audio Storytelling

    When I was a kid I always loved story time. It was a time where I could choose any of my favorite stories from a large book and my mom would act it out. She would do different voices and sound effects and would bring it to life. That is what audio storytelling reminded me […]
  15. catscarnival

    The Making of a Thunderstorm

    To create this story I used sounds of: birds chirping, wind, leaves rustling, thunder, lightening, rain, and birds chirping after rain. Each sound was playing at different times during the recording. p.s. my microphone is awful!
  16. braze

    Radio Show Ideas

    Thinking of ideas for a radio show was ruff. I’m confident that when I’m in a group and we are bouncing ideas off of each other more will come but for now I have the following ideas: Tales from the Crypt (radio show version) – I had thoroughly enjoyed reading the comics and thought that … Continue reading Radio Show Ideas
  17. headreaper

    ..For Narnia..

    For today’s daily create (9/24/15) we were supposed to juxtaposition something new into this old print. My first thoughts were of the Narnia battle so I added protagonist a into it. Looking back on it though the time period isn’t super modern with Narnia but it was modern compared to the other era so I guess … Continue reading ..For Narnia..

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

Student Blogs

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