1. kmgeckle

    Shaping Talky Tina

    I suppose the way Kurt Vonnegut sees stories is really quite simple. He doesn’t try to interpret the abstract parts of stories, but rather he just looks for the simple connections. It’s almost like taking a trip back to childhood,...
  2. kmgeckle

    The Headless Ballerina

    Interviewer: Hi! I see that you’re new to the horror host crew! Care to introduce yourself? THB: Hi everyone! I’m The Headless Ballerina! Interviewer: So why did you decide that this whole horror host gig was right for you? THB:...
  3. kmgeckle

    Viewing the Horror

    The item on the list that I picked first was Boris Karloff’s Thriller “The Grimm Reaper”. I surprised myself, and actually really enjoyed this film. I know that this was not done purposefully, due to the age of the film,...
  4. gabatron15

    The Shape of Stories: Last Respects

    The way that this story is shaped is that it starts out on a high note with the date between the Tony and Anna as they go to the carnival. So the beginning is all sweet romance, bliss, and everyone is happy. As the story progresses, they are returning to the home and he becomes […]
  5. gabatron15

    The Death Whisperer

    Listen to this while reading my introduction to my host character Introducing: The Death Whisperer I welcome you to the dark and dreary afterlife. I haunt you as you walk your last steps on Earth. I watch you as you talk to your friends on the street and see who haunts you in your sleep. […]
  6. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    WEEK #2 Assignment Bank

    Everyone has one of me in their house for emergencies I would hope. I am not used on an everyday basis but I am there when you need me most. I stand straight and do not slouch although, I am not too tall. I have a rubber face and a wooden sleek body frame. I […]
  7. gabatron15

    The Big Leap

    This is my Short Story for The Daily Create Based on the short story “The Ocean at the end of the Lane.” My story is called The Big Leap “I can do this.” I whispered this to myself as I stood at the edge of the dock. When you tell your friends that you can […]
  8. cherishamari

    Mama Tavia

    I’d like to take this moment to introduce well more so give you a heads up about Mama Tavia (Tay-vee-ah). She is what many would consider a bitter old lady. However, if you actually take the time to listen to what she’s saying she gives very valid points her delivery. I must fairwarn you her […]
  9. headreaper

    The Neighbors Were Not Amused.

    Today for my daily create (9/10/15) I wrote a little story about the ocean in my backyard! @ds106dc #tdc1341 The ocean out back always creeps up to our door step and then runs away. I tried it once. The neighbors were not amused. — Head Reaper (@TheHeadReaper) September 10, 2015
  10. braze

    The Noble War

    For this writing assignment from the assignment bank I had to find a picture and write a short story about it. I chose a picture of Tate, from American Horror Story season 1, when he was walking down the hallway of his high school preparing to shoot up the school. He is preparing to fight … Continue reading The Noble War
  11. kmgeckle

    My Backyard Ocean

    Everyday I looked out my back window. Would I get to play in the ocean today? Mom seemed to love that question, smiling as Nathan and I pulled on our swimsuits and ran to the backyard. I thought we were...
  12. emorelleum

    The Swamp

    I never had much experience with a large body of water. Palmer Alaska only sees so much precipitation a year, and it will not be liquid for much of the year. Enter my youth in Chesterfield VA. It turns out our lot, specifically the backyard is the lowest point in the neighborhood. What did that […]
  13. scottc1094

    Hello from your Horror Host

    Greetings, My name is Edward Creeper and I will be one of your horror hosts this semester. Horror has always fascinated me, and I am dying to share more of my experiences with you all. I am not looking to scare you innocent folks, but sometimes I can get a bit carried away with myself. You… Read More
  14. pterman505

    test post

    This is my first blog, other that awkward tumblr i made when i was in high school.  Here’s my first post. The words of Peter Jenkins planted on the eternal soil of the internet.
  15. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Horror Stories

    The Lottery: I won’t lie, I was actually pretty excited when I saw that this was one of our readings this week. I read this short story in one of my many English classes I took when I was attending community college. I still remembered bits and pieces of the story however; I reread the […]
  16. gabatron15

    In Respects to Horror Stories

    For my two stories I chose for this response I really got into “The Lottery” and “Last Respects.” In respects to the comic “Last Respects” the author used the technique of revenge as the basis of the story. Using a love affair that was rejected by the family member in the end using death served […]
  17. cherishamari

    Its my party, I can cry if I want to.

    While we’re in a long string of Holiday seasons, lets keep things a little festive. For this assignment you are to write about your favorite holiday. Be as descriptive as possible. What makes it your favorite? Is there a special memory attached to it? What smells or sounds remind you of it? (2 star assignment) […]
  18. scottc1094

    Extra, Extra, Read All About It!

    Assignment For this assignment, I chose to watch an episode of Scrubs. If you haven’t heard of it, Scrubs is a hospital-based ‘dramedy’ that stars Zach Braff and Sarah Chalke. I’ve seen all of the episodes multiple times, so I just chose a random (and very sad) one, “My Lunch” (S5, E20). Since Scrubs is based… Read More

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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