1. catalinardeg


    Ah! I think I’ve finally figured all this out. My name is Catalina, but most people just call me Cat. I’m a senior at UMW, double majoring in Communication and Digital Studies, as well as Theatre with a focus in acting. I transferred here from Northern Virginia Community College in the Spring of 2014, and I’ve … Continue reading Intro
  2. ewindley

    Week 1 Summary for Death by DS106

    I cannot say it loud enough – – – OMG!  Until this week my online social media was confined to facebook; and even on that I limited myself to viewing and clicking the like button.  That’s because anytime I attempted to make a comment it ended up on the wrong post.  And let’s not even … 
  3. audyg1rl

    Scary Story

    There was a man named Tom who always argued with his wife Gina. They would argue and fight constantly and one day Tom threatened to cut his throat. A few fights later Tom actually did cut his throat, in front of his wife. So, the wife decided to donate his organs to a hospital nearby. … Continue reading Scary Story
  4. audyg1rl


    My name is Audrea Hardy and I have two kids I work in DC and I like to shop, go out, and spend time with my family #ds106 — Audrea Hardy (@AudyG1rl) August 28, 2015 http://audyg1rl.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/video-1440808204.mp4.mp4
  5. audyg1rl


    Hello my name is Audrea Lorraine Hardy, and I was born in DC. I am a navy veteran and I have two kids; a boy and a girl. I am a triplet and the oldest of four sisters (one’s not a triplet). I currently work for USAID in Washington, DC and then come bac to … Continue reading Introduction
  6. cmartin5


    Welcome to Ms Clara Hope! I hope you enjoy my web creations. Here’s an intro into my quirky (and sometimes scary) college life!!
  7. gabatron15

    Weekly Summary

    First week down! This first week has been a total whirlwind experience for me.  I have never taken an online class so becoming adjusted to make my own schedule for this class was a whole new adjustment. I also had no idea what genre was going to be thrown at us so having it coming […]
  8. mmiranda

    My essence…:)

    Let me tell you that when I read about the daily create assignment in twitter today I was like…. mmmmh…. just one minute is not enough to describe what is important to me. During the day, I was thinking about it what is important in my life and I came with a lot of things

    [ … ]

  9. emorelleum

    Week 1

    Well, here we are 1 week in to ds106. Prodding around twitter and blogs (very clumsily, I might add), it would appear that there is a decent amount of flexing media muscles among the other ds106 accounts. As for my own endeavors,  obtaining quality youtube footage will definitely be a difficulty coming up. As someone … Continue reading Week 1
  10. kmgeckle

    Reflection Time

    WOW is all I have to say to start out this post. I just scratched my entire first draft of this after a little scare I had last night. As I was doing some work around 12:30 am (yes, I’m...
  11. kmgeckle

    Hide and Seek

    There was once a young couple, very much in love, who decided to get married.  On the eve of their wedding, a reception was held at the bride’s grandmother’s house. Everyone in attendance were joyous over the newly wedded couple....
  12. emorelleum

    Introductory Post

    Hello, I am Jerome Mueller, a computer science and math major at UMW! I have no idea what makes an effective wordpress introduction, and am of the opinion that introductions are best made face to face, but I suppose given the circumstances that this will have to do… We shall see how effective selecting one … Continue reading Introductory Post
  13. scottc1094

    Week 1 Summary

    This first week in ds106 has been very interesting to me, especially using the theme of ‘horror’. I am not one that usually is very interested in anything having to do with horror, but I found the videos and assignments fun to research and complete. This week I completed my introductions and the scary story assignment. […]
  14. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Imaginary Friend:

        When my sister was four we would often times catch her in our basement playing with her dolls and talking with someone. This went on for weeks and we just believed that it was an imaginary friend. Throughout the weeks my little sister would scream “My friend came to play with me! She […]
  15. scottc1094

    Horror and Scary Stories

    When I read about this assignment, the first thing that popped into my head was an episode of the TV show ‘Boy Meets World’. The episode was titled ‘And Then There Was Shawn’, and it revolved around the main characters being trapped in high school detention by a masked, skeleton figure. Slowly, one by one, […]
  16. gcaron

    Weekly Summary

    This week was a week full of creating things and figuring out how to do new things. Creating all the accounts wasn’t difficult but it was very time consuming. I had to make sure to write down all the accounts and passwords since I tend to forget those things. Creating the domain and WordPress was … Continue reading Weekly Summary
  17. gcaron

    Weekly Summary

    This week was a week full of creating things and figuring out how to do new things. Creating all the accounts wasn’t difficult but it was very time consuming. I had to make sure to write down all the accounts and passwords since I tend to forget those things. Creating the domain and WordPress was … Continue reading Weekly Summary
  18. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Week 01 Summary:

    Before Saturday, August 22, 2015 I would have considered myself pretty technology savvy.  Digital Storytelling has proven that my skills are not as great as I predicted them to be.  This week has been very stressful for me with signing up and maneuvering my way around different social media sites that I have no prior […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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