1. nforknal


    He lies motionless in his hospital bed, then *GASP!* “Nurse! Nurse,” he whispers through coughs. There is no one there. He tries to use the call button on the bedside. No response. Nothing. He rolls over and falls to the floor.... Continue Reading →
  2. adyke

    The begining fear of the online world

    The online world is totally spooky #ds106 — Aaron Dyke (@datdyke) August 28, 2015 the soundtrack that helps beat the fear of the online world comes from a great artist known as Savant and at the end of a first post and setup for class I am feel...
  3. scottc1094


    Hi everyone in ds106. My name is Scott Clower, and I am a junior at the University of Mary Washington. I am originally from Roanoke, VA. I am a business major and urban studies minor, and am very excited for all that this class has to offer! My name is Scott, I'm looking forward to this […]
  4. cherishamari

    Introduction continued…

    Hello again! Soon realized I probably could’ve used a few more pictures of me… This is my first actual video post on YouTube so bear with me please. The quality is pretty terrible as well as the lighting my laptop chooses today of all days to not cooperate.
  5. cherishamari

    Hello World!

    Well for starters my name is Cherish. I was born and raised in PG County, Maryland, in the middle of my my sophomore year of high school my parents moved  us to Fairfax County, VA. Since then, I have found myself at the University of Mary Washington. I have just began my third year and … Continue reading Hello World!
  6. mmiranda

    Mysterious men…..Scary Story

    First let me tell you something about my family and myself. I am from Peru and my family comes from the countryside of Peru. I remember as we grow up (brother, and cousin) how my family just to narrated stories about ghost, bride walking at night wearing wedding dress or children that went missing in

    [ … ]

  7. mmiranda


    Hi class, hope to have a great time and experience a lot of new things. If I am doing something wrong let me know. #ds106 — melissa (@melissam88273) August 26, 2015      
  8. feliciads106

    Week One Summary

    Creepshow was my first horror movie, other than that I’ve never watched any horror movies or shows. This class got me interested in horror movies and shows I found this movie I think is going to be horrifying, you should give it a try.
  9. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Hello all :)

    My name is Alexis Zirpmoulis and I am a rising Junior at UMW.  This is my first time using a blogging site so I am learning as I go.  I am looking forward to creating my own blog and I am happy to be sharing my experience with DS106!
  10. braze

    “Bloody Fingers”

    I originally read “Bloody Fingers” when I was in elementary school from the book Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark and loved it. This book, along with the other books, More Tales to Chill Your Bones and Even More Scary Stories, is a collection of short scary stories directed towards children that lead me … Continue reading “Bloody Fingers”
  11. gabatron15

    Marley’s Lake

    May 15, 1999 I was 8 years old and loving life. All I needed was my toys and my best friend Sally. Sally and I were the best of friends we did everything together. Our families lived on a lake and we would always play together afterschool and share our toys. Today my dad came […]
  12. gabatron15

    Introducing myself!

    This is my first blog post for ds106! My name is Gabby Christie and I am a Junior. I will be declaring my major as Communication and Digital Studies with a minor in Business Administration. I am excited to see what happens with this class because my fears are truly put up to the test. […]
  13. ajackso


    When thinking of horror my mind jumped right to asylums. They are broadly represented to hold disturbing secrets and troubled patients. The stories surrounding these asylums are creepy and take place both while they were inhabited and when they were a...
  14. braze

    Embedding Media

    This is my American Horror Story Asylum Title picture from Flickr. This is my favorite Bloody Face scene, when Oliver reveals to Lana that he is Bloody Face. I love Jim Groom’s tweet about my blog. You can follow him on Twitter @jimgroom and my other professor for this class Paul Bond @phb256. However, don’t forget … Continue reading Embedding Media
  15. mmiranda


    Hi my name is Melissa Miranda a senior chemistry student at UMW. I can not say how happy because of graduation. I have never had a class like this. I it look overwhelming but I hope to do well. Please let me know if you need any help.
  16. wisthin

    Hello world!

    This is your very first post. Click the Edit link to modify or delete it, or start a new post. If you like, use this post to tell readers why you started this blog and what you plan to do with it. Happy blogging!
  17. jamerive

    A bit about myself…

    I’m a senior here at UMW, ready/(un)prepared/excited/scared for the year to come. I’d say I’m easy to get along with but I mostly just make stupid jokes and pretend that I don’t like people. I’ve been told I’m easy to see through, though, so… I like JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, poetry, contemplating life’s finest mysteries (how … Continue reading A bit about myself…
  18. ewindley

    Death by DS106

    I have finally arrived after taking the long route on the internet superhighway.  I will be writing this blog for a computer course entitled digital storytelling.  The theme is horror.  Since blogging is new to me, I hope the theme will lend itself to providing something that is at least slightly fun and interesting.
  19. ewindley

    Hello and Welcome to DeathbyDS106!

    I am starting this blog as a course requirement to share some scary stories.  The scariest story, however, may be the fact that I am doing this . . . because I am older than some – slower than most – and definitely not tech savvy.  So I hope that I can at least find some interesting and […]
  20. myoung3

    Week 1 Summary

    I think I’ve finished out everything for the first week, hopefully properly, so it’s time to reflect.  I’m a big horror fan, but because of that, I feel like I may be a bit jaded on the genre.  I’ve seen so many movies, read so many books, and played so many games that it takes … Continue reading Week 1 Summary

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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