1. @k_heflin

    Hindsight is Always 20/20

    Archives So for our very final assignment, we were asked to give advice for future students. Professor Bond does send out an e-mail before the semester starts warning about the amount of work and time required for the course. Definitely take that e-mail to heart, he’s serious! The work itself is not that hard and its actually fun to do, its just very time consuming. If you have a heavy schedule or work a lot or anything like that, this may not be the class for you. Also, when given the option to work in groups, always do it! Its […]
  2. @rayers2umw

    Final project

    I have noticed some weird happenings between Russia and Canada. Usually larger countries just make fun of Russia behind its back and move on, but Canada has been different. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and President Vladimir Putin have been buddy buddy lately from what I have seen. I, Benjamin Agos, am launching a full inquiry …

    Continue reading "Final project"

  3. @k_heflin

    The End

    Archives It all started one dark and stormy night. I was at home, minding my own business and enjoying a well-earned vacation when I go the call I had been waiting for. It was the boss. “It’s go time” he said. “You need to be in Canada in 24 hours”. I knew this was it, the moment of truth. All of our agents’ spy work and missions would come down to this one mission. Russia and Canada have been plotting against us and the time had finally come to take them down. I had already had a plan in mind. […]
  4. @kevinjfrance

    Advice Incoming!

    Heyo prospective ds106 students! Here’s some critical things you should know before taking this class: Your quality of work and pride in your work will be directly proportional to the amount of time you put into this class. If you want to skate by and not actually make anything cool or anything you’re really proud … Continue reading "Advice Incoming!"
  5. @slotaheather

    Final Mission

    ds106advice     This week, I decided to explore the undercover agents that were working with The Directorate to expose our agency. The agents ended up being Agent Fawn and Agent Paul Bond. This project was a lot of fun but I spent a lot of time recording and planning the story line. I thought … Continue reading Final Mission
  6. @yjangabc

    Thanks ds106!! (Wow, time really did go!)

    I have finally executed my ultimate mission and my advice to the fellow and prospective ds106 agents is, we must be vigilant at all times. First, I conducted the Twitter poll last week; I then devised a plan for Agent Nice Guy to find out if Agent Moncure is a double agent or not. Along the way, however, Agent Nice …
  7. @A_marillo

    The Directorateā€™s Spy

    Throughout the week, Callie and I had a busy schedule so it was hard to schedule a time where we could meet up to finish planning the project and then record the mission. However, we found time to meet up on the google docs to think about our other platforms we would use in the […]
  8. @tmckenzierich

    Weekly Summary

    This week I have been writing the ridiculous story of Putin and Trudeau and I will admit that I initially struggle to find the right path to take but I am happy with where it ended and I hope some of you guys found it entertaining as well.  Unfortunately for me I do not have […]
  9. @tmckenzierich

    Advice to Incoming Students

    I really did learn a lot about different areas of media and ways of creating and editing things such as audio, images, and video.  I really appreciated that new knowledge from this course.  My best advice would be to definitely stay on top of the assignments because this course is online and it is easy […]
  10. @tmckenzierich

    Mission 106

    After  long night at the office I came home to a folder waiting on my desk.  I hesitate to open it but when I do this is what I find: “We have unconfirmed reports that Canada is up to something, so we are looking to defuse the potential situation. Are they conspiring with the Russians? […]
  11. @Markham_McFly


    Last week, I chose the topic of uncovering the mystery of who the double agent in ds106 is. For my final project, I went through posts from one of our classmates’ blogs to examine material that would raise flags. I used a software called Slidestory to create my work, and I was very excited with …

    Continue reading "FINAL PROJECT"

  12. @mingea

    Week 14

    Wow. We are finally done. My final project consisted of a really long evidence blog post where my agent mac took over the blog. She explains the situation that she was in, how it all started, and how it ended. This was really fun to do cause I got to be really creative. I used … Continue reading "Week 14"
  13. @libcal3

    The Final Update

    This week was the final of the final weeks of DS106. It’s been an exciting a crazy semester. My advice for future DS106 students post really captures the spirit of anything I could say about this course. Amari and I worked together to create a interesting and multimedia filled project that we are proud of […]
  14. @libcal3

    Explaining Everything

    Creative Warning: This blog post is the explanation the full on summary of everything, and I do mean everything (or as close to as possible) that went into the creation of the final project created by Agent Amari and I. So! If you haven’t viewed our final project please go do that first! Everything in […]
  15. @libcal3

    The Directorateā€™s Spy

    Agent Zero is on a mission. Director Bond of DS106 Headquarters asked Zero for her help in finding out who has been spying on the DS106 agents for the Directorate. The Directorate recently interviewed DS106 agents and concerns sparked that she had a secret mole among the operatives. Agent Zero enlisted the help of Agent […]
  16. @libcal3

    Tips, Tricks, and How to DS106

    Advice any future DS106 student should know The number one advice any future DS106 student should know is that you should never underestimate this class.  Now I mean this in a few ways, in terms of time,  in what you can get out of this course at the end, and in terms of commitment. Let’s […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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