1. @TomWorfolk1

    Final Project

    The Hotel Scene one Time Log 6:00pm 4/10/2017 *Agent Frank Underwood returns home from the office distraught, thinking about all the hours of training and studying to become an agent, and for what? He was working a glorified 9-5 desk job in a cubicle on 32nd street in downtown D.C. It wasn’t the life he expected, setting … Continue reading "Final Project"
  2. @TomWorfolk1


    DS106 Fall Class of 2017, Really there is no need to panic! Yes, there is a lot of work that you will have to complete for the semester but please do not get discouraged. Once you get the hang of all of the digital mediums that this class requires than the work will go by … Continue reading "DS106Advice"
  3. @yjangabc

    Dear prospective ds106 students…

    Hello and welcome to ds106, a computer class like you’ve never known before. Are you feeling intimidated after reading the class requirements and expectations? Don’t worry, I too was apprehensive about this class and wondered if I would be able to make it. While the assignments do take time, and yes, it requires your effort, the more you practice, the better you will …
  4. @tmckenzierich

    Project Idea

    For now I am still working on a “theme” per se other than a general mystery or something cliche.  I think for media and what not I want to leave clues for the story line through youtube videos and tweets on twitter.  From there I’m thinking of recording a voice over of the agents thoughts […]
  5. @yjangabc

    Time is going and going…

    This week’s assignments were a little confusing to me but I tried to do whatever I can with it, starting with the Twitter poll. Last Sunday, I had to ask questions about Agent Robert Reynolds or Moncure. The results are shown here. In total, there were 3 questions asked and 26 votes collected. The general consensus stated that Agent Moncure …
  6. @megancarey95

    Week 13

    This week, I worked with Agent Roderick Rush in coming up with ideas for our final ds106 mission. For this project, we are using the prompt that Professor Bond has been working with the Russians, and in our mission we plan to find out why and what he’s doing. Each of us will be working … Continue reading Week 13
  7. @hawkins10000

    ds106 Ultimatum Plan

    Agent Annabella Smith [Megan Carey] and I will be working together to compile a dossier and build a case against Professor Bond and catch him conspiring with the Russians. As of yet, for the final mission, we plan on compiling a journal of sorts of our encounters and escapades as we try to track down […]
  8. @coleohodges

    Twitter Poll Analysis

    One of the assignments this week in DS106 was to create and respond to Twitter polls created about our Secret Agent characters. Each day of the week, different students were assigned to create polls about certain characters in the course for the rest of the class to answer. The polls were meant to ask the […]
  9. @k_heflin

    Final Mission Update

    Archives Well the time has come. We all know Canada and Russia have been conspiring against us all along. President Trump was planted specifically for this purpose. He can try to deny his Russian contacts all he wants but we know the truth. It all goes down next week. The Washington Capitals are in Toronto for the Stanley Cup playoffs and thats where Agent A will make her move. She’ll start off by making them think nothing is wrong. Maybe even post a video of herself watching the game from home. Just when she has them thinking they safe, she’ll […]
  10. @A_marillo

    The Final Mission

    Throughout the weeks prior, we been tasked to think of ideas of a mission that would be made during the final weeks. Now the final week has come and we been given four mission that we could choose from. The final mission includes using three media forms from the list that we been using throughout […]
  11. @NickSebenaler

    Poll Results

    Here are the results for the polls I created about our fellow agents. How did Special Agent GO's father make create a fortune from international business? #ds106 #SpecialAgentGo — Nicholas Sebenaler (@NickSebenaler) April 21, 2017 The final results suggest that Special Agent GO’s father is an international banker. I was surprised that people chose this …

    Continue reading "Poll Results"

  12. @UMWdan

    Poll Results

    On monday I was tasked with creating twitter poll a secret agent. The agents I could choose from were Ben Aggos, Charles Finch (Rubiks Tilbit), Mac Plaia (Cobra), Kate “The Marksman” Jones, and Lynn Harris (Agent Reveal). I chose to make a poll about Ben Aggos. His agent profile shows that he is a lawyer that goes …

    Continue reading "Poll Results"

  13. @mingea

    Final Mission

    For my final mission, I have decided to do Item number 2. “We have unconfirmed reports that Canada is up to something, so we are looking to defuse the potential situation. Are they conspiring with the Russians? It may seem preposterous, but consider the facts: They’re both vast and brutally cold, they’re both into that … Continue reading "Final Mission"
  14. @k_heflin

    Tweet Tweet!

    Archives This week all of the agents had to create Twitter polls based on the other agents characters and then participate in the polls created by others. Even though the class uses Twitter a lot, I’m still very new to it and don’t really know how it works so this was kind’ve hard for me. Luckily the polls themselves are pretty easy to create. Having the creativity to make a good one is another story. I decided to use Agent Smith as my inspiration. His bio says one of his achievements is never being detected by the enemy so I […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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