1. @StarTaytu

    Angry Birds

    This Wednesday I had the chance to tune in to the ds106 radio. It was very interesting seeing, well technically speakingā€¦ hearing the concepts of audio storytelling we learned about being put into play. The radio broadcast was about a movie made in the 1900ā€™s called The Birds by Alfred Hitchcock. Some concepts that theā€¦ Continue reading Angry Birds
  2. @katiereif6

    Speed summary

    Alright, I gotta make this quick because my internet is doing unkind things to me. First, I tried really hard to do my best with tuning into the radio, and I rearranged everything so I would be able to listen Monday night, but that happened to be the night of the fire drill in my building, and I ended up missing a few minutes, which sucks, I was really invested. Anyway, I did my best to keep up and do the post. I also did the daily creates: I did the audio reflection, and honestly Moon Graffiti about made me cry. My FSEM was about counterfactual history so it was right up my alley. That and the bleak tragedy of it, as you can see in my radio show ideas and music from another room assignment. I also did the fairly straightforward humming assignment, and the required radio bumper and story through sound effects assignments. I also did the similar movie scene through sound effects assignment, which I made way harder than it needed to be. I also commented here, here, here, and here. I know this was fairly brief and abrupt, but I need to get this in before my internet goes out again. Peace!
  3. @aislingberri

    Daily Creates

    Yay! Daily Create Time! Let me show you what I did. So, Wednesday, I had to essentially just photoshop some crazy glasses onto a photo of myself. Cool, right? Thursday, I had to remix my own DS106 trading card. I...
  4. @Tillysisland

    Another Tour Completed

    Working with audio creatively is not an area Iā€™m particularly experienced in. While I consider myself a huge music guy, always listening to something and coming up with melodies in my head, Iā€™ve never truly taken the time to figure out any programs to actually create something. Iā€™ve played around
  5. @Tillysisland

    A Future in Radio

    Iā€™ve always been fascinated by radio and podcasts, noting that it takes a lot more talent and charisma than someone may initially assume to do the job correctly and do it well. Thereā€™s a lot of nuance to both what people speak about and how they speak and itā€™s a
  6. @amick_hailey

    *Quote with a New Feeling*

    We have heeded no wisdom offering guidance. Only by learning to love one another can our world be saved. Only love can conquer all.ā€”Ā Ā Dora Russell Ā  Ā  I went to a random quote generator at this website https://miniwebtool.com/random-quote-generator/ Ā  Ā  Then I placed musical sound effects behind it to create this: Ā  Ā 
  7. @MeMcMe3

    Audio Reflection

    Sound is universal. No matter where you are on earth, certain sounds may be attributed to almost anything. By that same association, language isnā€™t even needed for a combination of sounds to create a meaningful story. Language itself is just a coordinated accumulation of sounds. Mood, atmosphere, and meaning are mere consequences of the accumulation ā€¦
  8. @amick_hailey

    Weekly Summary 5

    Well, this was a busy week for digital studies to say the least. I started the week off by using audio through my daily create. Then I used my artistic digital skills to create a comedic design. Lastly, I took a picture of myself and made a valentines creation putting my own version of crazy glasses on. For this week it seemed like the most stressful, for absolutely no reason other than we had a lot of work. I actually had a lot of assignments due for other classes as well. I did enjoy these assignments, but it just took up a lot of my time. I went to NYC this weekend so that made me have to be a little reason why I was stressed, but that is okay because I got to see 2 Broadway shows! ā€“ Hadestown and Chicago. Anyways, this week I did a lot with audio. I use Logic Pro because it is a better technology than audacity. Audacity is free and has little to no effects. Logic Pro has a lot more than you can do when it comes to audio effects and editing- for musicians, broadcasters, etc. For this week I did a lot of assignments, but I am fully satisfied with all of my work. If you havenā€™t taken a look at my website in full yet, I have been working on making it look a bit more smooth. Give me some suggestions or what I could do to make it look better, different, or even things you think I should do in general! ?

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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