1. @aliboo1432

    Radio Bumper

    I enjoyed doing thisĀ assignmentĀ because I have had experience with audacity before. I wanted to pick up a new hobby during the pandemic and decided to start a podcast a little while back. I posted a couple of episodes and enjoyed creating different ...
  2. @Bendire Thrasher

    Disco Siri Takes One For The Team

    ā€œNow that we have a #ds106 radio up and running creating a 15 to 30 second bumper for the station. What is a bumper? It is a short recording that identifies the radio station with signature music or an expression that makes sure the listeners know what they are tuned into (seeĀ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bumper_(broadcasting)). So for ds106 [ā€¦]
  3. @JHolburd

    Listening to the Rad eeO

    There were seven of us listening to the ds106 radio this evening, Monday, February 7, from 8-9 p.m. Our Professor Paul Bond wove us through the intro and outro (was he also the sound editor emeritus??). Unfortunately, I could not engage in the discussion on Discord. I didnā€™t receive my invitation in the first week [ā€¦]
  4. @Bendire Thrasher

    When The Crickets Fall Silentā€¦

    Bob Ross has his paints to create forest landscape, I tried sound. ā€œTell a story using nothing but sound effects. There can be no verbal communication, only sound effects. Use at least five different sounds that you find online. The story can be no longer than 90 seconds. Another example (by a UMW student):Ā http://ds106.us/wp-content/audio/audio_story.mp3ā€œ Sound [ā€¦]
  5. @katiereif6

    The Radio

    So tonight was the only night I was going to be able to listen to the radio show, and of course it’s also the day the RAs chose for my building to have a fire drill, so I missed the first five minutes of the show and was fairly lost and confused...
  6. @wade_764

    Boom Goes the Dynamite

    Jad Abumrad made many excellent points when talking about the advantages of audio compared to visual art. I connected with the statement he made, ā€œ[Talking about audio storytelling] In a sense, Iā€™m painting something, but Iā€™m not holding the paintbrush you are!ā€ This statement exemplifies what I think is so creative about storytelling and music. Not only that, but if you listen to a live performance, no one take is identical. I like to compare audio to photography because it captures a precise moment in time that is unique and will never come around again (unless I finish my time-travelingā€¦
  7. @JHolburd

    Audio Reflection

    I had not thought about audio storytelling as the story in itself but more to amplify and assist a story of words. As I listened to Abumrad, he brought it home when he explained that radio connects people with their imaginations by one person transmitting a visual image to the receiving person with their voice [ā€¦]
  8. @wade_764

    Good Morning @ds106 !!!

    So it should be very apparent where I drew my inspiration for this assignment. If it is not, please watch this movie, Good Morning, Vietnam! I had fun making this intro, although to say it put me outside my comfort would be an understatement.I hope that this brought some laughter and helped to add some extra enthusiasm to the listening audience!This week ought to be a lot of fun! Here is the actual quote from the movie as well. ā€œGood morning, Vietnam! Hey, this is not a test. This isĀ rockĀ and roll. Time toĀ rockĀ it from the delta to the DMZ! Isā€¦
  9. @aliboo1432

    Weekly Summary Four

    This week introduced me to many different aspects of the digital world that I wasnā€™t strong in. I got to create things where I learned a lot about photoshop, photography, and storytelling. This week inspired me to think more deeply about photography and the different elements in one singular photograph and its importance to theā€¦ Continue reading Weekly Summary Four
  10. @CeliaSdigitally

    Sounds Impact the Effect of Stories ā€“ Audio Reflection

    After listening to Moon Graffiti, I was really astounded with everything that I heard and the emotional effect that this had on me. Abrumadā€™s perspective that he offers in his videos also illustrate the idea that audio work can help a listener dive deeper into the story and feel more of a part of it. ā€¦ Continue reading Sounds Impact the Effect of Stories ā€“ Audio Reflection

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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