1. kmof1992

    Weekly Summary

    Sorry these have been coming in so late; I've been filming all weekend for my SAC 423 class (literally! Friday-Sunday from around 9 am to 2 am). Last week we finished up the audio section. I enjoyed making the audio projects, and I'm happy with how the...
  2. kmof1992

    Turn a Photo Into a Comic

    For this picture, I started with my current Facebook profile picture that was taken from the shoot for our nerf gun video a while back. I imported it into Photoshop and added the color halftone filter, then set the maximum radius at 4 pixels. It was...
  3. kmof1992

    Response to "Images" by Robert Hass

    "Images" by Robert Hass is, predictably, full of images. He begins by describing his house late at night when everyone is asleep. And immediately, the reader visualizes the scene in his mind. Hass then goes on to discuss several poems, namely haikus. ...
  4. bridghi

    Summary of My Week!

    This week was a semi-abrupt transition from Audio to Visual. It always seems like just when I'm starting to finally get into one of the topics, we switch!I loved hearing the speakers from Michigan Radio this week. They were very helpful in critiquing s...
  5. thirstytony

    Week In Review

    WOW. What a week. First of all, I finished my audio final projects. Both were on the dating theme we chose together in class. I made the first one about dating in a different language. It’s an audio essay describing my personal experience. The second one was a condom brand-slogan collection. I had a lot of ...
  6. bridghi

    Response to “How Images Think”

    CC flickr _StaR_DusT_The introduction to "How Images Think" was extremely interesting to me - I guess I never really thought of how ingrained images are in my brain and what they mean. For some reason the piece initially made me think about my uncle, w...
  7. thirstytony

    Response to “How Images Think” by Ron Burnett

    Ron Burnett makes a very interesting point, which I mentioned in one of my previous posts where I was criticizing radio and comparing it to TV. He mentions that stories are not limited to words, they are expressed through shapes and forms and colors and motives. I think that the notion that an image can ...
  8. denardr0016

    Weekly Summary

    I finished up my radio assignments. Although brief, I really enjoyed that section. The VOX POP format was my favorite, it allowed me to put people on the spot and get their real reactions. I was a little skeptical about the visual portion but I found googling tutorials was very helpful. Design Create One: My … Continue reading
  9. denardr0016

    Wolverine Bumper Sticker

    I decided to chose this design assignment because I saw a “Proud Parent” sticker for a middle school. It made me wonder why I’ve never seen one for college. We deserve one. So I made one. I made my canvas size 1936 x 500 so that it could resemble a bumper sticker. I added the … Continue reading
  10. denardr0016

    Re: How Images Think

    This was an interesting piece to read. I agreed with the argument being made. Images do connect people. They are a form of communication. This made me think of the phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words”. Just one picture can tell so many different stories. In one section of the chapter, the author … Continue reading
  11. janus ajax

    The other photo


    So I decided for my other photo I would try doing “mobile” art. My friends really like Instagram and most of my experience with taking images involves taking pictures with my camera and downloading them onto my computer and editing them from there. My helvetica picture was done in a similar way. I decided I wanted to try out using my phone for the whole process. So I downloaded Instagram for my phone and took some pictures of my DVD collection. Instagram is interesting in that Instagram pictures you know are from Instagram. They are square which is odd considering most photos are rectangles. I played around with choosing different filters which they have a lot of. I chose a redish filter which I think made the picture look rustic despite it being DVDs. What I also found interesting with using my phone as the camera is that it gives me mixed quality for photos. This one when I saw it blown up was a little more grainy than I expected it to be. Overall the camera in my phone is surprising me in how high the quality is because I’m used to taking a “real” camera out when I want to get pictures.

  12. hfaley

    Weekly Summary


    The readings for this week were very, very hard to get through. I’m not sure how much I’ll be able to apply them to this part of the class, but it was interesting to see how people (attempt to) write about images.

    This was my first foray into photoshop, although my roommate Isabel is an expert and everyone should go look at her excellent photography. I’m not a huge fan of how complex it is and how little the buttons are, but I think I did okay so far. I did both photo challenges here and here.

    I miss audio - I really liked interviewing people for the small projects we had, strangely more than video. And it got me back into listening to This American Life on a regular basis, which I’m very thankful for. 

    I’m more apprehensive going into the image section because I’ve never been very good at photography - I took a class in 9th grade and I was useless. I think it takes a special eye to be able to tell a story through one soundless, motionless image. It will definitely be an adventure attempting to do that for the rest of the semester.

  13. hfaley

    Add a comic book effect to a photo. Featuring myself and Aja…


    Add a comic book effect to a photo.

    Featuring myself and Aja Weston, circa sophomore year.

    I used this program to add the effect to the program, because I was out of town and didn’t have access to photoshop this time. I haven’t approached Gimp because of what I’ve heard so far in the class, so I decided to go with a more simple approach this time. I chose this photo in particular because of the contrasting colors, which I think stand out in an otherwise blurry photo.

  14. tpcm

    W E E K L Y . S U M M A R Y

    Not-so busy week consisted of:Dating Someone 10 Years Older - Audio project 1Interviewing a House - Audio project 2Images ReviewTwo Visual CreatesThis week the course load wasn't too heavy for this class, mostly because the audio creates took a bi...
  15. hfaley

    Take a bad photo, apply a vintage effect, and write something in…


    Take a bad photo, apply a vintage effect, and write something in Helvetica.

    Taken in Arlington Cemetery overlooking Washington, D.C. circa 2006.

    I used iPhoto ‘08 to put a black and white effect on this photo, and also faded the colors a little and added a vignette, because I find vignettes so tacky and therefore appropriate for this photo project. I have always found this quote hilarious, and so stupid, and thus felt it would be funny to contrast it with a more serious photo that I think is completely out of place.

  16. hfaley

    Reading Response: How Images Think?


    I found Ron Burnett’s How Images Think a little hard to read. For me it was a bit dense and wordy and took me a while to dissect Burnett’s main points, especially through what I found to be somewhat flowery prose.

    What caught my eye, however, was this question Burnett poses:

    “Does human participation in and acceptance of image-worlds require new definitions of history and a radical re-imagining of what it means to engage with events, both near and far? Are new definitions of place, locality, and community needed? Are images a dramatic move to an oral culture[…]?”

    I was really confused by this incredibly dramatic barrage of questions. I’m not sure I understand what Burnett means by this and I’d be interested to see what others think of it, because it makes as little sense to me in context as it would out of context. 

    It may be because I don’t find images to be as much of a cultural phenomenon that Burnett seems to. We are a visual organism - we have eyes, after all. I think that our growing ability to preserve and share images has led to a greater ability to understand life, whether it be a picture of a kid from a country we’ve never visited or a snapshot of a newly discovered virus from an electron microscope. But by no means do I think that this requires a new definition of history - what would that even be? What does it mean to move to an “oral culture” (and are we not one already, in a sense?)? 

    I found Burnett’s writing to be wrought with jargon that’s meant only to strike a chord with a certain type of person. I’m picturing a mustachioed,  bespectacled Park Slope resident reading this in his restored brownstone while drinking an organic IPA and flipping through Polaroids, but that may be just me.

  17. tpcm


    Here are some magnificent photos I worked on:

    For the first image, I thought we had to make a cheesy picture with some cheesy line. I thought this fit the criteria pretty well, and I think the end product is both revolting and revolutionary. Middle school girls, step aside.
    I honestly couldn't retrace my steps completely in making this picture. I started off by adding the lens flare-type stars to the corners, which came from some of the filter effects. You get to actually place them on the X and Y axes of the picture, which I thought was pretty cool for some reason. Adding text was a little difficult, mostly because it was challenging to place the text, resize it, and change the font – a lot of clicking was needed in order to select the right thing. For the color effect, I simply went under the "color" menu and played around with which colors were more apparent in the picture; cyan and yellow, magenta and green, etc.
    This second picture was originally taken from my phone with the Catwang app (I recommend it, it's a lot of fun). I simply added the cartoon filter in order to get the effect – this is actually for the first design assignment. 
    After playing around a little bit, I have to say that I don't really like Gimp. I don't think the software is completely intuitive and easy to use, and the menu screens that pop up when adding an effect are never centered, and always behind other layers. Other than that I'm sure it has good qualities, but it ran a little slowly on my computer. Hopefully I'll learn to use it better!

  18. janus ajax

    The week in review


    my blog article 

    my bad photo

    my other photo 

    So sound was both easier and more difficult than I thought it would be. Once I figured out how to get good sound quality it was easier to produce my audio pieces. I also found writing a script  and practicing it then recording to more planning but eventually worked out in the long run to save time. I like pictures and photography. I decided to try Instagram a bit for my “other photo project today.” Instagram is very good at making things look a lot better than they are. It’s like magic. 

  19. janus ajax

    Brain and Mind


    I like the information from the sections we read in How Images Think. 

    I really like the idea of recognizing how much people interact with technology. I know to a lot of people not having their technology be it their phone or computer they feel like they are missing part of themselves.

    I also feel that people do communicate a lot through images and sharing media. I spend a lot of time sharing interests and images with people through my technology be it phone or computer. A lot of my media has to do with sharing pictures on Tumblr or on Facebook. I’ve recently bought books solely based on their visual appeal rather than any other type of content measure. 

    I think I’m a very visual person in general. I often “judge a book by it’s cover.” I like a lot of things based on the art used and how much I like looking at it rather than sophistication or logic based arguments. 

    In general people seem to be visual. We do share a lot of visual content with each other. 

  20. ajaweston

    Weekly Summary Post

    CC Derek MuellerWhat I have done this week:Read excerpts from How Images Think by Ron Burnett and "Images" by Robert HassBlogged about one of the readingsCompleted two design projects: here and hereFinalized my two audio projects: here and hereThis wee...

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