1. pborisov

    “Oh Those Evil Chemicals”: Really, again?

    I have extremely mixed feelings about Living with Cancer. From a technical perspective, it was pretty good. It handled cancer tastefully. It told touching stories. It used music to set mood and transition between segments. And the use of comedy in the last act was very good as a finisher. It was touching, yet angry ...
  2. thirstytony

    Response to “Living with Cancer”

    It is not very easy to talk about cancer, but it is very important to be aware of this topic since so many people have to deal with it. Apparently, half the population has to deal with cancer at some point in their lives, which is incredibly disturbing to me. To be honest, it scared ...
  3. janus ajax

    Infant Mortality


    I listened to the documentary on infant mortality. I found the information surrounding mortality rates very sad and multi faceted. As an audio piece it was interesting because the information was interesting but also because there were many different textures and transitions. I really like how sometimes there wasn’t any background noise and sometimes there was chatter or music. It helped keep my interested.

    In my women’s health class we went over similar information regarding what causes low birth rates and the effect of a persons race, socieconomic status and other factors can have on their health. I like how they had a lot of different sources that weren’t always medical. There were also people talking about their personal experiences as well as facts and figure and medical professionals. I think it humanized the piece.

    I also liked how the piece ended. Despite all the facts and figures and the information being very heavy they tried to end on an uplifting note which makes me hopeful for the future rather than thinking nothing is going to change. It was a very specific kind of choice and direction to have as the final note and I’m glad that is the direction they chose. 

  4. hfaley

    Living With Cancer Response: What makes a good interviewee?


    I really enjoyed Rebecca Williams’ piece on Living With Cancer, and found it to be a quite emotional and interesting story.

    Throughout the three parts of the expose I found myself wondering a lot about how Williams was able to find these people that she interviewed. How do you search for people that are able to best frame the story you have in mind? Or do you let these people frame the story’s path for you? I hope to ask her about her experience in finding subjects for her stories, as well as what to do if you interview someone who ends up not being as good as a storyteller as you thought.

    Obviously the challenge in radio is to provide voices that are engaging, clear, and tell a story well. I wonder how Williams is able to find all three of these in a person, or what she does if someone only fulfills half the criteria.

    On a separate/more critical note, it was a little hard for me to grasp the overall structure of this story. She jumped from very scientific analyses to personal stories, but I didn’t really find an overarching theme that linked all of these pieces together in one cohesive way. I think in the end it was really interesting and well done, but at times it was hard to imagine where she was going with the story. I’d like to ask her about her thought process in structuring stories.

  5. tpcm

    “Living with Cancer” – Review

    TheJCB - Breast Cancer CellUnfortunately, this was quite a sad topic for a radio show. However, I think it was very interesting and informative, and managed to keep listeners entertained throughout the whole three-part episode.I was so surprised to hea...
  6. bsosnik

    Response to “Living with Cancer”

    Topics related to sickness and death is always a tough thing to talk about.  I know that when I must face people who have lost loved ones or are dealing with life threatening health issues, I have no idea what to say.  Like the woman in the opening segment said, people don’t really know how ...
  7. arianaln

    Response to Transom.org

    On transom.org I listened to “Sonic IDs.” “Popcorn Enthusiast” by Robbie Feinberg was only 30 seconds long but I thought it was really well made and well edited. All it did was make me hungry for popcorn even though I wasn’t even hungry to begin with! I though that the use of sound was what ...
  8. tpcm

    SOUND and STORIES review

    flickr user all that improbable blue

    So I've been a little bit cynical.
    In my weekly review I talked about how radio doesn't really do it for me. I can't seem to focus on it and I don't see the need to. However, I have recently had...a change of heart. I wouldn't say that my opinion is changed completely, but in a way I almost feel bad for radio. It's been through a lot. 
    That being said, I guess you could say I have found a new appreciation for radio after reading this piece, mostly because I was looking at it through the wrong lens - radio isn't necessarily about picking up every specific detail, it's just about listening to a story. When someone tells you a story, you might not pick up every word and sentence and intonation they use, and that's fine, because that's life. You can't always be alert to every detail of your life, thank god.
    One of the things I liked about this article that I hadn't noticed (mostly because I don't listen to radio very often) is how personal radio DJs make the radio experience. It hadn't occurred to me that when listening to radio, one is often times alone, so being catered to on an individual level is something important for full listening pleasure. By forming questions with "you" as opposed to "all listeners out there", the relationship between radio and its listener is intensified – we're practically dating.
    In all, what I generally want to say is that appreciating the difference between auditory storytelling and print/video/other media is important. Each have their own positive and negative qualities, all of which are appreciated in different ways through different lenses. Not everybody can write a broadcast for a radio show that engages, inspires and entertains, but most people would find it easier to write a short story – not that writing is a walk in the park, because it isn't, but something about radio, its relatability, voice, and personal experience takes us to a different place than certain stories can and ever will.

  9. arianaln

    Week Review

    This week I did the following: Response to Deception  Daily Create, Daily Create Vox Pop Radio Show Idea I am really excited to start working on my section of the radio show because I think it will be really amusing and great! I do however hate the sound of my voice and will have to ...
  10. arianaln

    Radio Show Plan

    For the Radio Show, I plan to do what I talked about in class. I will be reading off of profile of a fake girl on a dating website and the responses received from all of the guys that have contacted her to meet up or chat. I think it will really highlight how much ...
  11. prisamack


    This site is like a toolbox for enterprising radio content producers. There is information about how to engage with social media, where to hold a boom, the best products to use, and engaging content. Someone could easily teach themselves how … Continue reading 
  12. bridghi

    Summary of Week 8… oops

    So Spring Break decided to come a little early for me this year. My class on Thursday was cancelled, so when I heard, I was ecstatic, hopped in my car and went home on Wednesday night. I checked out for over a week, which clearly presented a problem as...

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