1. Nick Antonini

    Final Project

    I know I’m running late on this as well, and there’s not much time left in the semester, but oh well. Ever since the end of middle school I’ve loved skating. I used to go skate when I was mad,...
  2. Annie Truslow

    A New Me

    I got a haircut, and I couldn’t be happier. After more than 11 years of never having my hair above my shoulders, I cut more than 18 inches off of my hair and I am EXCITED! Cheers! xx
  3. Annie Truslow


    Overheard, Day 2: putting in and getting out. I created this simple design using Photoshop CS4. It is mean to represent that, much like a circle does not function as a prism in reflecting light, the statement, “what you put into it is what you ge...
  4. Annie Truslow

    TDC Week 10

    TDC79 Assignment: Geology is everywhere, parks, building materials, etc. Photograph a local geological feature. The primary geological feature here is the beautiful Lake Anna. Photo from Instagram (anniebelle1) TDC81 Assignment: Sometimes perfection is...
  5. Nick Antonini

    Donnie Darko Commentary

    So after numerous attempts at formatting the my commentary video, I found the correct one! Here is the assignment: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/video-essay/ I had a digital copy of the movie on my computer already so I loaded it into FCP and...
  6. Emily DelRoss

    TDC Weekly Recap

    Sunday, March 25: Create a self-portrait , without your face, that identifies you. Me   Thursday, March 22: Philosophy Series: “Do you believe in luck?” Explain with a story. On Luck: ”It will all work out…. because it has to work out.” -Nanny   Wednesday, March 21: Make a photo that emphasizes the color yellow. Little ...
  7. Nick Antonini

    Return to the Silent Era

    This assignment was to take a modern day trailer and try to turn it into silent film trailer. I http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/return-to-the-silent-era/ I decided to use the trailer for Drive. To do this I downloaded the trailer from YouTube a...
  8. Nick Antonini

    A Little Late

    I know I’m late with these assignments, but there’s a reason for this. I’ve been having problems uploading the my video essay online. I’ve tried vimeo and youtube… no dice. It just shows up almost as if it unformatted (gre...
  9. Nick Antonini

    Fear The 1%

    This assignment was to create a 5 second film: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/5-second-film/ With this I tried to go for the whole Occupy Wallstreet idea. In order to avoid controversies I’ll just leave everything up to your imagination....
  10. Tyler Crump

    Princess Pononoke

    Well I felt pretty inspired by this project, been working on it practically non-stop all day. For my movie trailer mash-up I have focused on yet more works from the brilliant director Hayao Miyaki. From my recent post of Howl’s Moving Castle you may be noticing just how big a deal Miyazaki is to anime ...
  11. Nick Antonini

    Slow Down There!

    This assignment was to speed up my workday. http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/speed-up-your-work-day/ In order to do this assignment i had to set up my video camera but I had one problem… I only had a 500 mb memory card. So basically I reco...
  12. Nick Antonini


    My first of my video assignments is the reverse effect videohttp://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/play-it-backward-jack/ Basically I just thought up what would look nasty backwards. Then I was like “OMG imma genius.” I loaded up the video...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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