1. James Cruz


    2 Star Process For this assignment I took several videos that we have made over the past semester. After putting these videos together I simply spoke over the video through a program I have called fraps. Editing the videos was a bit annoying but from a procedural standpoint it is … Continue reading
  2. Brian Brown

    Dancing Damsels

    Cash in the check.  Army of salvation.  Troubled mind, troubled tale, troubled world.    Little weeping man. This is the vision, of the future. I settled upon completing the very first assignment in video, of which no one had dared try.  Thinking through what I wanted to do, I found this application called Cartoonic.  Cartoonic ...
  3. Feng

    1 Second Video

    Synopsis: How much of a story can you tell in a 1 second video? Inspired by this:http://vimeo.com/32071937 I am really intrigued by these 1 second, 5 second, 30 second video assignments. They’re quick and fun. I couldn’t really think of an...
  4. Feng

    5 Second Film — Halo

    Synopsis: Make a supershort, 5-second film; basically enough time for one gag, bit, or joke. See examples (ALERT: Not G-rated, generally) athttp://5secondfilms.com/. Or alternatively, try your hand at creating a 5 second version of a major movie. Who...
  5. Candice Benshoff

    TDC Week 11

    April 7: Create an interesting photo that includes looking through one object to see another. April 5: Take a photo that includes repeating geometric shapes. April 3: Draw love.
  6. Tyler Crump

    Whose the real monster?

    For my final video assignment I have done a 5 second film (a rather long 5 secs but still relatively short). I should apologize that I broke my streak of maintaining an anime theme in my work. However while the actual plot may not include anime references you all can enjoy the various anime decor ...
  7. Tyler Crump

    Agiri Goshiki presents “SERENITY NOW!”

    Life got you down? Can’t seem to relax? Well Agiri Goshiki has the cure for what ails you! With her patented ninja relaxation techniques she guarantees to put you in a state of utter calmness: Agiri is just my absolute favorite character from the series Kill me baby, shes just so hilariously calm its hard ...
  8. Emily Deane

    TDC Weekly Summary

    April 7 – Create an interesting photo that includes looking through one object to see another. April 5 – Take a photo that includes repeating geometric shapes. April 3 – Draw love.
  9. Tyler Crump

    Double Trouble

    I had to put some thought into this assignment, I of course wanted to center this around anime still (which I did) but I just couldn’t find any numbers that had a significant amount of anime appearances. So Instead I decided to focus on some popular groupings of people in anime in this case the ...
  10. Feng

    FMA music video

    Synopsis: Take a favorite cartoon or anime like show, take some clips, mash them together and add music to it. Try to pick out a specific theme in your clips that follow the theme of the music. Keep an eye out for changes in the music and plan your cli...
  11. Leslie Truesdale

    Numbers Movie – 3 stars

    This assignment was quick and easy– maybe I’m thinking that only because of how familiar I am becoming with ripping youtube videos and using the adobe software. In that case, easy is quite nice. I chose number 12 for this movie and took random images from google and I made a couple titles to describe ...
  12. Brian Brown

    Sea Mist

    Originality… Often after reading a book, I have a tendency to write in that authors.  This was particularly so after reading A Confederacy of Dunces.  I couldn’t help but feel Ignatius’s fiery rhetoric coursing through my veins to the tip of my fingers.  And this isn’t wrong, and should never be wrong. The issue I found with ...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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