1. Annie Truslow

    AudioAssignments36: Radio Bumper

    RadiobumperDS106 by annie_belle1 This is my first-ever shot at making a radio bumper. I got the inspiration from this assignment posted by Jim Groom. I did some research, but I’m not 100% sure I understand what a radio bumper is. I’m not su...
  2. Seong Cho

    Over-Dramatic Reading Tutorial

    1) Pick a song, poem, or any written material 2) Record yourself reading the written material over dramatically. I used soundcloud to record but you can use any recording program for this assignment. 3) Once you have it recorded, get the HTML so you can post it on your blog. For soundcloud, you can press
  3. Seong Cho

    Make Your Own Ringtone: What’s Golden

    It was time for me to make a new ringtone for my phone anyway so that’s why I chose this assignment. The song is called What’s Golden by Jurassic Park. I used audacity for this assignment. I cut the first 30 seconds of the song and convert it to MP3 player so I can use
  4. Thomas Ella

    My Last Wish,

    “Find some spam. Could be email spam, could be comment spam, whatever you want. Read it aloud. Make it your own. Try to make sense of it or make it more absurd than it already is.” Oh. Oh, I made it my own. Don’t you worry about that. Nothing more empathetic than a desperate old ...
  5. Thomas Ella

    Greetings From The UMW Apartments

    Let my tale be a warning: If you’re going to submit an assignment, make sure it hasn’t already been submitted yet. I made a “Greetings From…” postcard for my apartment and was going to submit that as a design assignment, but lo and behold, one “Michael Branson Smith” already has the monopoly on it, and ...
  6. Thomas Ella

    When In Rome, Daily Create

    “Take a photo depicting your favorite type of weather.” Sunny and warm – perfect for lounging outside. “Where’d your name come from? Record a video in which you describe how you got your name, or where you got your name ...
  7. Brian Brown

    64 synth

    Synthesize gentle electronic waves.  Congruencey verified.  /play commodore64synth.     Chiptunes are still in style.  As a ringtone, you must demand attention, give a sense of urgency.  So I copy and pasted the bit four times and sped each successive segment up 10%. At this point, I feel comortable with using audacity.  For this coming week, ...
  8. Brian Brown

    64 synth

    Synthesize gentle electronic waves.  Congruencey verified.  /play commodore64synth.     Chiptunes are still in style.  As a ringtone, you must demand attention, give a sense of urgency.  So I copy and pasted the bit four times and sped each successive segment up 10%. At this point, I feel comortable with using audacity.  For this coming week, ...
  9. Feng

    Wake Up and Dream Article

    I found this haunting yet interesting Podcast, which are short live radio stories featuring people all around the world. Featured on Radiolab, ”Wake Up and Dream“ is a telling broadcast in which a city reporter in Philadelphia named Steve ...
  10. James Cruz

    Movie Voice Machines

    3 Star Assignment Process I knew from the beginning I wanted to make a voicemail of the legend….wait for it… DARY character known as Barney Stinson from How I Met Your Mother. I looked up several youtube videos of Barney to familiarize myself with Barneys character again. From there I … Continue reading
  11. James Cruz

    Over-Dramatic Reading

    2 Star Process For this video I had to first think of a good idea. I first considered using Harry Potter or possibly the Matrix. However, after sifting through youtube videos I realized the old anime  dragonball z offered some very memorable speeches. The most memorable of which is Goku’s … Continue reading
  12. James Cruz

    May I take Your Order

    1 Star Process Not really too much to report on the process. I already knew how to make a good Hispanic accent, since I am Hispanic ;0. Went to soundcloud and started recording with no real plan. I just said the first words that seemed natural to me and I believe it … Continue reading
  13. Maura Monahan


    I still don’t know why people spam my WordPress with weird comments, but they do.  Here’s an example for the Taking Back Spam audio assignment: Taking Back Spam by maura_monahan Assignment Details

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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