1. Ms. Parker

    Week 3: Brain Squeeze

    Let me be honest. This week was rough. I had way too much due for my other classes between Tuesday and Thursday on top of the five or six meetings I went to. After last semester, writing my 30-40 page history thesis on top of all my other papers and work seemed impossible. But I ...
  2. confusedeasily

    Previous works form others :D

    From the in[SPIRE] site I saw Love Your Earth and it suck out to me right away because I think it shows a really good message about how we only have one earth so we should love it and not take advantage of it like we have another one just waiting around. I think it is ...
  3. confusedeasily

    Shape of a story

    After I watched Kurt Vonnegut video I wanted to pick something that was my favorite and I knew that most about so I had to pick my favorite book, Matilda. When I heard Kurt Vonnegut talk about whole idea of a stepmother and evil sisters and what not I could have picked any Disney princess movie ...
  4. Girl Without A Net

    Week In Review | This Week Kicked MY Butt!

    Thinking about storytelling really isn’t something I had really done, or so I thought.  Apparently I have a lot to say and I think a lot about stories and storytelling.  The key is it’s NOT just pen and paper. I tell stories with the art I make: ceramic sculpture, paintings, and the words I write.  ...
  5. kdex914

    Week Three

    “First, what is storytelling?” Storytelling, in its most basic form is the process by which someone conveys a past event, whether it be true or false.  For our first week of bootcamp we were required to tell a fabricated story about our childhood.  When I think of storytelling, the first image that comes to mind ...
  6. mbutlerr

    Week threethreethreee

    In attempt to not sound too pathetic, I would like to say this week was..interesting? Definitely more work than I had anticipated. Although it felt like a relief, having bootcamp over with, I have to admit I miss the hand-holding a little. NONETHELESS, I got it done! AND I’M ALIVE with a buttload of experience, ...
  7. teldridg

    Week 3 Summary

    Storytelling as I see it This assignment brought to my attention that I use storytelling almost everyday without even realizing it. In business you often have to present ideas and information to other people and this has made me think … Read More
  8. confusedeasily

    Hmm Story..telling

    When I hear the word storytelling a lot comes to mind. Like reading a story or telling someone a story, but what does not come to mind is lying to make a story be entertaining. I think when some one tells a story the want to let others know about their experiences of their life. Until this class that ...
  9. Lara Hampson

    Busy Busy Bee

    Hello again! This week is making me miss bootcamp.  That’s right.  I said it.  We had so much to do this week, and I feel like there wasn’t enough time to do it!  I really love that we can choose ...
  10. teldridg

    Shape of Stories

      This video was very entertaining and interesting. I have definitely thought of movies having low points and high points and the mood changes of the characters before but never thought to graph it. It really emphasized the dramatic changes … Read More
  11. mbutlerr

    Shape of Stories

    The most puzzling piece of work this week would have to be the Kurt Vonnegut video. I know it should have been a rather simple message, one that I’m sure most got the first time around watching it, I didn’t get it until the second (maybe third time) around. Then I finally understood what he ...
  12. Girl Without A Net

    Daily Create | Week of 28 January 2013

    The Assignment “You must complete three daily creates this week.”  While I wished I could have done more– life happens. The Daily Creates this week I did: Take/make a photo that represents math at work in the world.   Draw a picture of a new invention. Okay so I did some digital ‘drawing’ and made ...
  13. Oh My Gott

    Jones the DS106 Dog

      They said he couldn’t do it, that there was no way that Jones the dog would be able to complete a semester of DS106. But Jones was determined to prove all of the critics wrong. He was fed up with his life full of sleep, food, and the occasional game of fetch. Jones felt ...
  14. mbutlerr

    Jealous of the retired DS106ers? You bet

    You know what’s intimidating? Looking at previous work from those of the previous DS106 class. Honestly though. I could not help but feel like I have these giant shoes to fill! Obviously it was not all bad. A lot of things I saw from graduates of this class was pretty inspiring (and intimidating, who knew ...
  15. Oh My Gott

    in[SPIRE] & Previous Work Reviews

    I chose to blog about Matt Poole’s rendition of The Notebook, with his “If You’re a bird, I’m A Bird”  post. The clip is hilarious, and very well done. He uses a layer of surf and bird sounds under his dialogue. Matt is clearly trying his best to imitate the female’s voice, and hilarity ensues. ...
  16. mbutlerr

    Too Curious Sparky?

    Sparky was a good dog. The best actually. He never did his business inside the house, he almost always behaved, and never drank out of the toilet(..Except for every once in awhile). Sparky, however, had one small quirk that made him hard to watch and that was that Sparky is a rather..curious dog. He had ...
  17. mbutlerr


    Storytelling..What is storytelling? The first thing that comes into mind is The Stone Ages. Ya know, sitting by a fire, and long before writing was a thing and the best way to pass on anything (legends, fables, or to just tell stories in the down time). Although written language had yet to be a thing, ...
  18. Oh My Gott

    Kurt Vonnegut Story Shape

    The story I chose to represent with the Kurt Vonnegut story shape is the song ‘Lola’ by The Kinks. The lyrics to this song describe an interaction at a bar between a man and a female. By the conclusion of the song, the man finds out that Lola, who he thought to be a woman, ...
  19. bellekid

    Bagman and Bad Eggs, the best of #ds106?

    This week, we were instructed to look at some of the best work from previous ds106ers, both from last semester and in[SPIRE]. I struggled to see the ‘story’ in some of the works I was given to look at, but eventually settled on the Good Eggs Gone Rotten by Captain Markish and Bagman Says a Tongue Twister ...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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