1. @abigailds106

    old letter tutorial

    To do this assignment, you’re first going to need to find some distressed looking letters. You could do this in your editing software, but that would be pretty difficult and advanced. I like FreeImages for my stock photos. I’m using GIMP for this tutorial. Open up the program, and open the letter template you’re using. […]
  2. @abigailds106

    gif with subtitles tutorial

    The first thing you need to do for this assignment is to find the video you want to use on YouTube. Open up QuickTime. Click ‘File’ and ‘New Screen Recording.’ Select the area of the screen you want to record, and click start. Save the clip. Now, open the clip in iMovie, and click ‘Create.’ […]
  3. @abigailds106

    sound effect story tutorial

    For this assignment I recommend using iMovie. iMovie’s timeline is easy to manipulate, and there are tons of great sound effects already native to the program. Create a new project (choose movie, even though we’re just working with audio here). Listen to the sounds they have, and start to piece together your story. Drag the […]
  4. @abigailds106

    period piece mashup tutorial

    For this assignment, first download the videos you want to use from YouTube. I installed the SaveFrom plugin for Chrome, which makes this super easy. When you go to YouTube, there will be a little download button below the video: Open iMovie, and import your videos. Now, select the sections of the videos you want to […]
  5. @flmngrose

    Week Five Summary

    I believe my work for the final project was very well done, I put many hours into it.  I woke up early every morning to work on the story, and I never left the house.  I wish I had the whole week to work on it, because I had so many character I wanted to […]
  6. @abigailds106

    the secret life of mary washington

    Historians don’t know a lot about Mary Washington. Here’s the basics of what we do know: She was born in Colonial Virginia, and orphaned at young age. She grew up wealthy. She married a wealthy man, had 6 children, and was widowed early. Her eldest, George, was 11 at the time. From there, she went […]
  7. @flmngrose

    For all Eternity

    THE MAN An elvish man, long dark hair, two braids at the side of his head, tied back and braided together to keep hair out of his face.  The sound of a morning lark wakes up a man, he get’s out of bed and gets ready for the day ahead of him.  He thinks of […]
  8. hshami17

    How I Made The Stu Ped Story

    Video http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/60-second-day-a-video-narrative/ I made the video in iMovie, my All Hail King Leo assignment is a good reference for this. I simply shot all the clips on my iPhone 6 and then imported the clips into iMovie. Then I just trimmed the clips and put them together to make the full video. Audio http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/a-day-in-the-life-of-your-character/ The […]
  9. hshami17

    He Who Procrastinates in DS106

    This is a story about a poor DS106 student who did not properly heed the fair warning that was sent out by professor Polack before the start of the course. The student’s name is Stu Ped. Stu begins his first week of class by going to Dr. Polack’s DS106 course page to write down his […]
  10. @joskamtav

    Week FIVE! We survived!

    I am not sure if this weekly summary is suppose to be like the other’s but here’s what I thought of this week… I found the most challenging aspect of this week to be the brainstorming of the story that I would tell. Since most of the media forms have …
  11. @joskamtav

    How I Made My Short Story

    To make this story I used a variety of media outlets. Audio, Visual, Video, and Design were among the media outlets used for this story. As you may have felt, this story is slightly depressing haha but don’t be fool the making of this was full of laughs. It is …
  12. @joskamtav

    When Pet Friends Become Food

    9 year-old Isabella LOVES and ADORES her chickens. They aren’t just her pets, they are her very best friends! Every afternoon, Isabella goes outside to talk and play with her chickens. There isn’t anything in this world that makes Isabella happier than her pet chickens do. Look at that smile! …
  13. estallin

    Finally Week 5

    Well I had to get Week 5 done quite early because I have Orientation starting Thursday and I am very thankful that my supervisors gave me time of to complete my Final Project. I am very excited with how that turned out. Also this week I created two different assignments for the DS106 Assignment Bank.  I decided […]
  14. estallin

    Eye See the HCC Tutorial

    To create this reflection in my friend Morgan’s eye I followed the steps listed below in this post. I imported the photograph I took of Morgan’s eye into Canva.com. I then went to the Elements Menu and searched for a circle. I chose a circle that allows you to insert a photograph to make it […]
  15. estallin

    Advertisement Tutorial

    To start this ad I knew I would need a good background and searched the internet trying to find one I liked.  I finally settled on this image to be used as the background sans the “aloha” at the bottom of the image.  I liked the color scheme that it would bring to the entire […]
  16. estallin

    From Snow to a Dragon

    Jon Snow had a very average life growing up in Westeros… well average for any Lord or Lady, but Jon was not really a Lord because his mother was nary a Lady but simply a peasant. Jon’s last family name was not Stark like that of his father, but Snow the mark of a bastard. […]
  17. estallin

    Let’s Get Wordy

    DS106 Word Cloud Near the end of your time completing DS106 complete a Word Cloud that encompasses the class and all that you have learned! There are plenty of different online tools to help you create a Word Cloud! Creating a word cloud can be super easy and word clouds are very useful in showing […]
  18. estallin

    Never Dormant

    Create A Game of Thrones House Create your own Game of Thrones House name and Sigil.  Jointherealm.com is a useful tool for creating your own Sigil! (3 stars) I’ve always loved the idea of creating a Game of Thrones house because I just live an breath Game of Thrones.  I’m shocked by how quickly I […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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