Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92753 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @ekardos106

    Daily Creates!

    This week I completed three Daily Creates! The first one was about words on the wall. I wanted to tie Bob Ross into this. The second one was about Facebook being down. The third one was about a dog creating a password.
  2. @ekardos106

    Wrapping up Week 6

    Working with design this week was very interesting. There is design in all of our daily lives and choices. Some assignments I found more difficult than others this week, but overall I enjoyed all of my assignments. Daily Creates The first task I completed was to replace the word “love” in a song to “Monty …
  3. @ekardos106


    Color The design of the Flamin’ Hot Cheetos displays the concept of color. I couldn’t imagine any other colors being on the bag. The warm colors just make sense since they’re “flaming hot”. The design decisions of this product just makes sense. Metaphor & Symbols The Old Spice shampoo and conditioner in the second picture …
  4. @ekardos106

    Listen up! It’s time to wrap up week 5

    I honestly did not expect to like audio storytelling week. However, I found myself really loving working on the assignments. When you close your eyes and listen to sounds, you can picture exactly what you’re hearing. I feel as though audio storytelling is often overlooked. Podcasts are a great example of audio storytelling that I …
  5. @ekardos106

    ds106 Radio!

    On Wednesday, September 22 at 8PM, I listened to the ds106 radio! First, I really liked the bumpers that were played at the beginning of the show. They sounded like real, professional radio bumpers. The story that was played had strong auditory elements that moved the story along. The tone of the characters’ voices depict …
  6. @ekardos106

    Moon Graffiti and Audio Storytelling

    When listening to the Moon Graffiti podcast, the sound effects and different audio elements added a whole new level of storytelling. The tone of the narrators’ voices, the sound effects, and the background music during narration really helped set the scene. The auditory elements made it easier to visualize and comprehend the story. I felt …
  7. @ekardos106


    I really enjoyed the Photoblitz challenge. I completed the first seven tasks it gave me. The first one was to “take a photo of your most valued (non technology) tool”. I took a photo of my screwdriver because it is the tool that I use the most. The second task I got was to “take …

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