Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94992 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. dogtrax

    NGram Viewsic

    The other day, a prompt at DS106 Daily Create had us using the NGram data analysis site (which tracks terms across books across time) and I did a music instrument theme, and noticed some changes in when mentions happened. I mused about using the chart to create a piece of music, where the different instruments […]
  2. dogtrax

    Daily Create: Coloring

    The prompt for this morning’s Daily Create via DS106 was to use Scrap-Coloring to color an image or file. I’ve used the site before and it’s easy to get lost in it, particularly if the image has a lot of little details. I chose the cover design of my album of sound sketches from last […]
  3. trubright

    More Ludwig Dresden Timpani 3D Printing Mods


    We’ve Got Stacks and Stacks of Letters Though it’s been a while since I’ve posted about my Ludwig Dresden timpani mods, I haven’t stopped tweaking them. My latest innovation is printing plastic letter covers that slip over small rare-earth magnets as part of my string gauges. This makes the letters larger and easier to read. […]

    The post More Ludwig Dresden Timpani 3D Printing Mods appeared first on

  4. amiddlet50

    Absence of detail and the value of ambiguity in art and education

    This post pulls together ideas about the value of ambiguity and space in art and education by drawing upon my diverse experiences as educator, artist, and musician. It wanders! In some ways, it is about creating room to wander. I hope you it connects with your own wanderings. Continue reading ?
  5. trubright

    My Brush with Task Specific Dystonia


    The Glitch Task specific dystonia or focal dystonia is a condition so feared among performing artists that it is rarely spoken of. That is because it has been a career ender for many accomplished musicians. It is a neurological problem that is only dimly understood but is most commonly triggered by over practicing coupled with […]

    The post My Brush with Task Specific Dystonia appeared first on

  6. trubright

    A Visit to Harlan Percussion World Headquarters


    It’s been over two years since I posted anything on these pages, but as we’re clawing our collective way out of a pandemic, it’s a good time dust off my blog. This entry is about reconnecting with an old friend who moved back home town to St. Louis after decades of living out of town. […]

    The post A Visit to Harlan Percussion World Headquarters appeared first on

  7. @sunglasses260

    30 seconds of… (Part 3): Rock music

    Last but not least in this 3-part series “30 seconds of…” is my rock music mashup! To read about how I decided on this assignment and the mashups I’d do, as well as how I made the mashups, check out Part 1: Christian contemporary music. However, I’ll include the instructions below. “This is some sort […]
  8. @sunglasses260

    30 seconds of… (Part 2): Christian rock music

    For my next creation of my 3-part post series “30 seconds of…”, check out a mix of Christian AND rock music! To read about how I decided on this assignment and the mashups I’d do, as well as how I made the mashups, check out Part 1: Christian contemporary music. However, I’ll include the instructions […]
  9. @sunglasses260

    30 seconds of… (Part 1): Christian contemporary music

    This is the first in a series of 3 posts with the same assignment, but the assignment is done differently each time. As per the title, first up is a set of Christian contemporary music. When I saw the assignment “10 second song mashup” in the ds106 assignment bank, I thought, “Huh. That sounds like […]
  10. @sunglasses260

    Mix ‘Em Up

    This assignment was one of my own creation, because I didn’t see anything quite like this in the ds106 assignment bank. It’s pretty straightforward: mashup two songs that are similar to each other (regardless of if it’s the same artist or if the artists are different). These are the details of the assignment I created, […]
  11. @sunglasses260

    The Story of the Jukebox Hero

    Everyone, gather ’round! It’s time for you to hear the story of the legendary jukebox hero. This story was born before I began ds106, but when I saw the Audio Bank assignment “Create a story using music”, I knew the world deserved to hear the tale. The assignment had only two sentences of description: “Create […]
  12. @sunglasses260

    Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof

    Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof Because I’m happyyyyyyyyy Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth Because I’m happyyyyyyyyy Those are some of the lyrics to the song “Happy”, a well-known pop tune that came out in 2013. We all have certain songs that make us feel […]
  13. selenachen

    What is making me happy on internet?

    Music! Ever get that good vibe when listening to certain music genre(s)? I listen to a lot of electronic music almost everyday, while doing homework, browsing on the web, gaming, watching streams..etc. Electronic music has been my favorite for these past few years because it has catchy beats and gives yo an upbeat mood. This … Continue reading "What is making me happy on internet?"
  14. @eafinto

    A Lyric Video for One Republic

    For one of my video assignments, I created a lyric video for one of my favorite songs, Future Looks Good, by One Republic. I had a lot of fun creating this video! I downloaded the song from a YouTube video, and then looked up the lyrics on A-Z Lyrics. Once I had the song and the lyrics, as […]
  15. @eafinto

    Once Upon An… Apocalypse?

    As another audio assignment from the assignment bank, I completed one that incorporates Disney and the apocalypse! I was immediately drawn to this assignment due to the fact that it had to do with Disney. Who isn’t excited by that? So what did I have to do? Well, I needed to compile a recording that includes different Disney lyrics […]
  16. @

    Here we go again! Taking Year 2 of Networked Narratives for a spin!

    What The Heck Kind of Course is This? At the core this is a bonafide on the ground course in Networked Narratives at Kean University, with registered students who will spend some time each week in a classroom. Last year it was co-taught by Mia Zamora at Kean join via the interwebs by Alan Levine […]
  17. @ldeitrick

    Songs are crazy.

    Challenge:  Identify an innocent seeming song that advocates some odd/criminal behavior and reformat it as a police report style article. Song: Dive by Ed Sheeran ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Ed Sheeran, age 25, of Halifax, England was taken into custody by Heathrow police after hijacking a plane on the tarmac late Thursday evening. The police say officials were called …

ds106 in[SPIRE]