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  1. @Tillysisland

    Adding On

    You know an idea is a great one when you see it and want to expand on it even more. This week, I’m taking a look at two different project ideas that really stood out to me, seeing how I’d expand on them. First is Brianna’s story idea. The story
  2. @wade_764

    What great ideas!

    Looking over the class’s ideas for a final project was fun! I like the idea of weaving mystery into the projects. This post was great, and I particularly like their vision “to make a story about what would happen if one of the world’s most evil political figures decided to accidentally come back to life in the present day.” I think that would make for an exciting project and would have some funny but probably dark reactions by people. Another great idea was a small group of people in class that want to produce “a multi-media campaign about ocean conservation…
  3. @Bendire Thrasher

    Book it, Fred

    I read through a lot of ideas and I am definitely inspired for my own project now! The gears are turning… FINAL PROJECT IDEAS – Amy’s Online Thoughts For the idea above, I kind of have to talk about it because the idea is all about books and I love books! I would definitely listen […]
  4. @PabloMccrimmon


    I really enjoyed Mason and Grace’s project ideas. A lot of my idea was about reflecting on my college experience, what I’ve learned, how I’ve grown, etc. I think Grace’s concept for doing something focused on giving back to younger generations by exploring the lessons learned from college life. I also like Mason’s idea of […]
  5. @skyler0455

    project ideas round two

    I really liked Kendra’s idea of making a podcast about the different areas of creativity you can develop in ds106. I think it would be interesting to talk through some of the skills learned and medias we used in class, and this would be a great way to share with prospective students what they can […]
  6. @grace_long88

    More Project Ideas

    Reading through everyone’s project ideas was very inspirational. Everyone had great ideas and I am excited to see how they turn out. The first idea that really stood out to me was Carrie’s. She talked about how overcoming obstacles and achievements can tell a great story. I think this could
  7. @KendraB999

    Project Idea Expansion

    I think to expand on Josephine’s Project Idea, along with showing how marginalized people have had their voices silenced, I would include some of the instances where people have not been heard. I would also highlight the marginalization that occurs nowadays, along with creators who passed away too young. I think comparing the privilege of […]
  8. @Egon2688


    In my last week’s post for project ideas I wanted to share the story of peace and love through music. I think that music can connect us through emotions, experiences, and most importantly memories. I looked through my peers blogs and they all had great project ideas. The two who I believe I could expand… Continue reading Suggestions
  9. @mgedney

    project ideas x2

    After posting my first project proposal, I wished I had looked at some of my classmates’ ideas for inspiration! I had come up with one idea I could go many ways with, but people had whole lists of ideas. After reading them, I considered doing something more music related or

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