1. @lper0581

    Video Essay

    For the video essay assignment I created this video analyzing a scene from my favorite movie “Bladerunner 2049.” Bladerunner 2049 is a beautiful sequal to the 80’s movie “Bladerunner 2019.” In an attempt to not get claimed I’ve made this video “private” so you have to put in a password to watch it. The password … Continue reading Video Essay
  2. @ds106_mckayla

    Favorite Transition used in iMovie.

    This is the original link to the assignment and it is worth 2 1/2 stars. I chose two music videos from youtube that were free to download and use. I chose 80s music to go with the theme. I created this in iMovie. I downloaded the free music clips off of youtube onto my 4k video downloader. I decided to start the video with a transition of a door way to show the audience this is the beginning to the video. I then added a title that says, “Hold On” during the first music clip because you are on a
  3. @ds106_mckayla

    Weekly Summary #10

    The first video I watched was all about editing and the video used different scenes from different movies. It talked about how the use of the frames per second, or the amount of time focused on a human eye, can tell us about what will happen next. Editing almost seems invisible, because it happens so naturally you barely notice it. I learned that you see a cut happen more during a scene where someone is agitated and annoyed, compared to a scene of romance or happiness. As Professor Bond wrote in the weekly assignments, …”these videos presented that the focus
  4. @ds106_mckayla

    Video assignments, Week 10

    I completed 10 1/2 stars of video assignments this week. I choose this option and received a second set of video assignments to complete next week that needs to be a total of 10 stars as well. I have never used iMovie before, so this was all very new to me. I visited the DKC to ask a few questions about iMovie and they were very helpful as always. Below are my video assignments I chose for this week to complete. I struggled with putting them together in iMovie and you will notice that I am a beginner because of
  5. @ds106_mckayla

    Video essay on, The Shining, 1980.

    This assignment asked me to make a video, using a scene from a movie, which I chose “The Shining” and discuss the scene in voice-over narration, and I can either upload my video essay to Vimeo or Youtube. I chose to complete this project on iMovie. Hello everyone! I completed my video essay analysis and decided to use the famous, Here’s Johnny” scene from the movie, The Shining, filmed in 1980. This scene presented a lot of editing used by the music, characters clothes, characters facial expressions, the props, the lighting, and the hand held camera. This scene was perfect
  6. @ds106_mckayla

    Favorite Moments in a video.

    For this video assignment I had to create a video using some of my favorite pictures/videos that I have taken while in school this year! The original link to the assignment is here and it is worth 2 stars. As you can see or watch, the pictures chosen are not from school, instead, they are from places that I have been during this school year, Beaufort, NC and some cute pictures of my pets. I used iMovie to create this video and it was my first time ever using iMovie. This video was a struggle for me at first, but
  7. @danielleerika4

    Self Video Essay

    This assignment is a slight variation on the classic ds106 Video Essay assignment in the Assignment Bank. For this class, you need only analyze one scene, although you’re welcome to do more. In particular, your analysis should reflect what you learned by reading Ebert’s essay and watching the Tony Zhou videos. MPEG Streamclip, iMovie and Windows MovieMaker are good tools for […]
  8. @danielleerika4

    Video Assignment Week 1

    Video Assignments: Two options Choice One Complete at least 10 stars of video assignments this week. If you choose this option, you will receive a second set of video assignments to complete next week. Choice Two For those of you who really enjoyed creating the radio shows, you have the option of taking a similar […]
  9. @danielleerika4

    Weekly Summary Week 10

    Here are the posts I worked on this week! I loved this weeks assignments, it was very engaging and intriguing to work on and learn about. This is where I learned about the video essay project! Below is my final blog post for this week’s video assignment! Below is a screenshot after I submitted my […]
  10. @grace-ds106-2019

    Weekly Summary

    The three daily creates I did this week were nice, quick, and creative activities that got my mind warmed up for the assignments. Also, I was able to create a fun ad creative story. See the links below. Daily Creates: http://ds106.grace-weaver.com/uncategorized/daily-creates-short-story/ Sadly, I was not able to listen to the radio shows because I have …

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UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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